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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, December 17. 2012The old adage still holds true"If you ban guns, only criminals will have guns." Leaving the rest of us to be helpless sheep in the face of criminals and reckless lunatics. How did Canada's gun registry work out? After billions spent and years dedicated to it, not one crime solved. Duh. Bad guys do not own legal firearms. They obtain illegal ones on the street or they steal them. But first, reminiscences about bucolic Newtown, CT: “An Adorable Little Town” Chicago murder rate up - as in the UK - since handgun ban, plus lots of other data More good news above: Such mass crimes are on the decline since 1929. The good news: Armed Woman Stops Gunman at San Antonio Theater Again from NYM: Gun control didn't work in CT From John Fund in our links this morning:
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Don't forget this....
http://www.bookwormroom.com/2012/12/14/factual-weaponry-for-the-stalwart-foot-soldiers-fighting-on-behalf-of-the-2nd-amendment-in-the-cause-of-common-sense/ Agreed, . . . Leaving the rest of us to be helpless sheep in the face of criminals and reckless lunatics. " However, I must add - and politicians!
"Let's have a national conversation on . . ."
Hmm, doesn't that usually translate as "we're the smart ones - so shut up and listen you dumb yokels." http://sipsey
streetirregulars.blogspot.com/2012/12/a-guest-editorial-some-thoughts-on.html Saturday, December 15, 2012A guest editorial. Some thoughts on the Connecticut massacre by Old Greybeard.
Old Greybeard, a long-time friend I very much respect, asked me to post this guest editorial, which I am happy to do: Re: The mass murders at school in Connecticut. "Gun-free zones are simply killing fields for mass murderers." - Ted Nugent The best way to stop the mass murder of students and teachers is to do these things: First, repeal all laws or policies that now require schools to be “gun free zones”. In each school, seek out teachers who have concealed carry permits and any more who would be willing to get a permit. Then give them extra training in shooting proficiency, the law and morality of using deadly force, and allow them to be armed in school. === it's me now, buddy larsen's the name trying to beat the spam guard's the game. The rest of old greybeard's column is at the divided-in-two URL. It ain't Moby Dick, but it's plain English practical. Dunno why old Spammy the Jerkoff doesn't like it. The ''gun free zone'' coupled with ''the lockdown'' --in the crazy killer mind, means there he is in the hallway, guns ready, with a dozen or twenty locked-down classrooms, each full of trapped-like-rats victims inside, to choose from (God-like power), knowing he can ''do'' a few of the rooms before the law shows up and it's time to go bye-bye (''I am destiny, I am Fate --which classroom shall experience me?"), and all with out any fear of breaking in and finding a teacher with a gun, inside, waiting. A short-barrel 20 g pump with skeet loads would do nicely at close range, and have extremely little consequence for anyone behind and around. Keep the shotgun locked and loaded in a breakproof metal box bolted or welded to a heavy plate bolted to the wall in the tactically efficient place, locked by a punchbutton code the teachers will know. Train the teachers, keep up the training reasonably steadily with fun weekend skeet shoot picnics. Enjoy the feeling of defensive power, along with the students, who see the lockbox and note the teacher's stronger demeanor.
If you want to teach but hate guns, go to a range and learn what they are --you can't hate them then. These classrooms have to be guarded on point --a guard at the front door is just going to get shot by surprise in many cases --then the fort is breached and the next few minutes are the killer's.
Change the paradigm --staff is not teachers who know they might have to guard, but guards who teach. Identify the two forces behind fear and hatred of guns --one force is simply the 'control by state is easier in a helpless populace' group who are ideologues and beyond reason as the goal is not the protection of citizens at all, but the control of them. But the other anti-gun force is amenable to reason. A good thing to point out to them is how very rare it is to find prople who are familiar with guns, in the anti-gun forces. They will respond to the observation by saying that this is because of self-selection formation of each side. Agree that that is exactly the point. the two sides are, one which has learned a new skill, and the other side is those who have not. Therefore, those who have not is where 100% of people were at some point, and the pro-gun side is those who changed sides. If guns are bad, why is it that none of the proven side-changers ever change back, upon learnibg the new skill and finding out that guns are indeed bad? That's exactly my issue with uniformed armed guards at the front of schools. They're the obvious first target of a surprise attack and these are all surprise attacks.
Arm the teachers or certain teachers and probably have someone(s) close to the front of the school, admin, prepared to respond. A killer won't know who's armed and ready and if he gets through the front he should get stopped relatively quickly. Swimming in the sea where there are dangerous sharks is notably described in reference to being attacked by a shark, as a low-probability/high consequence proposition.
You go into the water knowing that. You know that, and choose to risk it on the odds, on the low probability. Our K12s, gun-free zones and passive-defense lockdown tactics, are inarguably also, like shark attacks, low-probability/high consequence risk-takings. But carry on with the rest of the comparison: in the former, the swimmer chooses to take the risk, and the swimmer is also to whom (should the odds fail) the high consequence will redound. Pardon the lapse into adumbration, but, is there an age below which a person has no choice but to take a swim in a chum sheen in the triangle of death off the Farallon Islands? If the answer is 'yes', who precisely is giving that answer? Is this mystery authority out there swimming in the chum with the six year olds? No, he isn't. He's in a Brutalist fortress in DC, ringed by brigades of armed guards, making paperclip chains while watching the clock drift toward quittin' time. http://www.bing.com/search?q=federal+agencies+buying+shotguns&form=IE8SRC&src=IE-SearchBox
=== http://voices.washingtonpost.com/answer-sheet/education-secretary-duncan/ed-department-buying-27-shotgu.html (snip) Solicitation Number: EDOOIG-10-000004 Notice Type: Combined Synopsis/Solicitation Synopsis: Added: Mar 08, 2010 10:39 am The U.S. Department of Education (ED) intends to purchase twenty-seven (27) REMINGTON BRAND MODEL 870 POLICE 12/14P MOD GRWC XS4 KXCS SF. RAMAC #24587 GAUGE: 12 BARREL: 14" - PARKERIZED CHOKE: MODIFIED SIGHTS: GHOST RING REAR WILSON COMBAT; FRONT - XS CONTOUR BEAD SIGHT STOCK: KNOXX REDUCE RECOIL ADJUSTABLE STOCK FORE-END: SPEEDFEED SPORT-SOLID - 14" LOP are designated as the only shotguns authorized for ED based on compatibility with ED existing shotgun inventory, certified armor and combat training and protocol, maintenance, and parts.The required date of delivery is March 22, 2010. (end snip) === So the Dept of Education execs prefer to not swim with the six year olds they have booted off the boat into the sea. === Start the ball rolling on gun bans and confiscations, and the six year olds will get to grow up in a truly revolting predicament. Poor little kids --poor parents. === Congress COULD do something bright, strong, effective, and by god heroic. No, scratch that --congress could make a 'sense of the congress' statement following the logic of the premise that the best protection schoolkids have is mom and dad. ... and thus congress will engage the principle of subsidiarity, and so open a congress-sponsored (avoid the executive branch at all costs) website to dispense best practices info, and serve as a clearinghouse for school districts and wounded warriors to come together for the purpose of getting disabled vets --who best to savvy the violent injury stakes? --into the schools to train faculty on the 20g pump, and basic close-combat principles (such as, killers may body armor against the skeet load, so load the standard 5 shells alternating the light load with rifled deer slugs). Have a URL, maybe an https, where school boards and parents communicate and let their hair down and chat from the deep nplaces about things in their minds relating to threat watching among other things, and to select from a menu of training protocols. A trainer in say a five-day contract with an average sized school will spot locations --if not in every classroom at least five or ten gun lockers spread around the plant where no one or two killers could cover them all. Volunteer staff and faculty to say, provide two selected trainees per gun (one of the two will be on duty when the other is off, as reasonably possible), and part of the trainer's job will be to train his selects to train the rest of the school employees to some point and gun-access level. Budget for the locally procured guns and ammo, the local fabrication and installation of the gunlockers, and the production & talent basic unit of webmaster attached to a school-security expert vetted and hired by one of the veteran's organizations, VFW or another of equal trust and nonpartisan protocol. First duties, developing best practices and training tips for the hardware just named, and building a roster of 500 or 1000 piecework/retainer compensated, contracters on-call for the +/- five day jobs. These disabled vets selected from applicants and qualified and maybe badged into certification, rostered by among other things where they live, to have a density weighted geographical distribution (roster supports that schools can hire a local if they want, there'll be one on the roster). Send out roster as it builds, to the school board/parent contacts, fund the hardware thru established channels but pay the trainers on a 1099, independent contacters, avoid the unsustainable tail-to-teeth ratio. Sunset the program, say 5 years with the end goal of schools having the firepower and the plan and the defenders at the ready, and the SSL website to keep tthe security issue attractive and inclined to roll forward through time and personnel changes on its own momentum and local volunteerism. Keep some parents on the website somehow. Break down that wall, gotta be a way to activate a channel of civilian threatwatchers without triggering the harm trawlers. Could've stopped most of these things if one of the guys from the roster knocked on a door and asked for a few minutes of the troubled family's time --just to say, "hi --look, i don't have any legs, can we talk about some heavy shit i got on my mind?" Double therapy. Virtuous cycle. Recognition. Respect. Needfulness. keep on, the road goes on forever unless it doesn't. |