Thanks, Bird Dog
Thanks so much, Bird Dog, for finally getting us all our own logging passwords, etc. We appreciate the trust. You did publish all of our stuff anyway. And thanks to CS for taking the time to set it all up. This way, Dog won't get blamed for all of our posts!
"Too many of our colleagues seem to be unaware that they are not charged with saving the world and are, instead, commissioned officers of the President of the United States. If this keeps up, we'll be forced to implement the foreign policy of the United States." This from Click here: New Sisyphus who works in State Dept.
This is an example of what drives us plutocrats crazy. It should drive everyone nuts. After all, we all pay for this crap. Click here: The American Enterprise: Lawsuit Lollapalooza
I know colleges are the Bird Dog's domain, but this is just good: Click here: FrontPage :: Symposium: Can Universities Be Fixed? by Jamie Glazov