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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, December 5. 2012Weds. morning links
The Plight of the Alpha Female - Women remain scarce in the most elite positions. And it’s by choice. Our friend TigerHawk retired that website. Here's his new one: The Spirit of Enterprise 'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower That is sickening Biggs and Richwine: The Underworked Public Employee - The cliché is true: Government workers do tend to take it easier than their private counterparts. Judge Napolitano: Woodrow Wilson ‘was awesome the way Hitler was’ Wilson is up there on my list of bad guys, along with FDR. About Teddy and Lincoln I have mixed feelings. The only cool thing JFK did was to get Marilyn Monroe in the sack. Nails it: Krauthammer’s Take: Obama Wants to ‘Drive a Stake Through’ GOP in Fiscal Cliff Deal President Obama’s proposal to Republicans to avoid going over the so-called fiscal cliff — huge tax increases, huge spending increases, and no serious entitlement reform — is risible. Obama Consults with MSNBC Hosts Sharpton, Maddow on Tax Rates Cops to Congress: We need logs of Americans' text messages Clinton-era Tax Team Wants Obama to Tax Middle Class “The taxpayer-funded PR blitz for Obamacare” Using our own money to try to sell us something we don't want Editorial: Obamacare's new tax on health insurance We'll pay that tax too Sorry Libs… The NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats, Not the Other Way Around What's The Opposite Of Diversity? Calif. Teachers Union Releases Cartoon Video Featuring ‘The Rich’ Urinating on the Poor Kuwait Expels Thousands of Palestinians Nobody likes Palestinians, it seems, except people who don't know them Top Official: Abbas Has No Plans to Halt Incitement Trackbacks
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I forgot. I guess it was a bird hunt and a piglet hunt. It was long ago.
Yup --you fergot yer hat, too. After a few years i went and put it on the scarecrow where it half works and half doesn't--it attracts more of 'em, but they don't eat, they laugh
For those of you who think BD's face looks a little thin with the goatee, I encouraged him to grow his sideburns and these days he looks much better. Picture Chester A. Arthur with a double-barreled shotgun and you've got it.
The nose job, however, will have to wait until he gets up the bucks because he's going for the expensive Justin Bieber look. From the survey results, I think that "0%" of "teens" visiting the site really got to him and he's determined to fix it. He's just so like that! FROM THE MIDWEST:
http://www.kansascity.com/2012/11/29/3940569/lawmakers-press-obama-for-action.html Whose river is it anyway? Alpha Women: "Slaughter stumbled onto a truth that many are reluctant to admit: women are less inclined than men to think that power and status are worth the sacrifice of a close relationship with their children. " They are reluctant to admit it because the Feminazis will make their lives miserable. (You don't have to like Rush to recognize some of his truths. Indeed, hating him is the better indication.)
Of course they want to tax the middle class--there are more of them. Too many, of course, and taxes will diminish their numbers. The opposite of diversity is....Thought Crime! Cali teachers' union--they are no-class people. Palis--why would anyone like them? Individually, probable. Collectively, buncha downers with bad attitudes. Really bad. re Wilson is up there on my list of bad guys, along with FDR. About Teddy and Lincoln I have mixed feelings.
I agree with that sentiment. The more I have learned about TR, the less I have liked him. Lincoln, for all his faults, did the nation a great favor by winning the Civil War. Could have let the South go its own way, with no dead Americans. Slavery was going away anyway.
Exactamento! The secession and the war were two separate and distinct things --not the binary event portrayed in the lore.
The war started several months after the secession. Charleston was sending delegation after delegation to DC trying to purchase the fort sitting in the middle of her harbor. Mr. Lincoln would not see them, not allow anyone to accept their proposal for consideration. In this span of time, Charleston was feeding the federal garrison --the townfolk just wanted them to leave, as to them it was now a foreign power's guns that were inside the harbor aimed at the commerce. When Lincoln announced he was sending a resupply flotilla into the harbor to resupply and reinforce the Garrison, the southerners begging him not to, as they would have to oppose it, to establish the state sovereign right. But the flotilla --warships carrying supplies as well as marines and heavy guns, sailed anyway. At that point, the reb military command --receiving reports from coastwatchers of the flotilla enroute, told the federal commander that he would have to start shooting, he could not allow the flotilla to debark cargo --but the bombardment would be at so n so hour of the morrow. The guns duly began, with the target garrison, warned and under cover, suffering zero casualties, before, a couple hours later, honor served, it ran up the white flag, and the fight was done, the only casualties next day, the federals holding a ceremony of departure, suffered one death and an injury when a federal cannon breech blew during the flag-lowering cannon salute. The Charlestonions fed the yanks and friendly-like loaded the garrison --boys they knew and vice versa -- on a train and sent the train to DC, along with the continuing letter of appropriation and request to have a conference of settling the real-estate improvements costs pending. The myth, that the secession and the fire on Fort Sumter were concurrent and the work of firebrand confederates, is accepted history but the truth is much more a shade of gray, so to speak. Not to be rude, nor to forget that at bottom the secesh did cause the shootin' war in the sense of the secession having enabled Lincoln to provoke the war. Could have let the South go its own way, with no dead Americans. Slavery was going away anyway.
But WHEN was slavery going away? Perhaps it could be said that when cotton harvesting got mechanized, slavery would have become uneconomic. Cotton harvesting was for the most part done by hand until after World War II. Not until the 1950s was a majority of the cotton crop harvested by machine. Would an additional century of slavery have been acceptable? I had family on both sides, including a Confederate Colonel who was the son of slaveholders and a follower of John Brown who participated in the attack at Harper's Ferry. Both died in the conflict. As a clue, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, other moral leaders, were against slavery, tho they had slaves. They wrote against the ''peculiar institution'' even before the war. I know, sounds crazy --but it's true. Point being, the power of fashion was already against it, only inertia and the difficulty of monied interests stood in support. Once the invasions began, however, folks who'd never even seen a slave, like the country folk i hail from in northwest Louisiana a valley over from the Mississippi River, were immediately in the fight, as the federals were despoiling the farms, and there wern't no food stamps.
As a clue, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, other moral leaders, were against slavery, tho they had slaves.
Actions speak louder than words. ..point being, the power of fashion was already against it While the "power of fashion" was against slavery in the North, this was not necessarily the case in the South. Look up how abolitionists were treated in the South from 1830-1860. only inertia and the difficulty of monied interests stood in support. [of slavery] As I see it, Secession was a movement by the slave-owning elite to preserve the institution of slavery. We have a certain amount of agreement here, with your referring to "monied interests." I refer you to the Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union. QUOTE: For twenty-five years this agitation has been steadily increasing, until it has now secured to its aid the power of the common Government. Observing the forms of the Constitution, a sectional party has found within that Article establishing the Executive Department, the means of subverting the Constitution itself. A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery. He is to be entrusted with the administration of the common Government, because he has declared that that "Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free," and that the public mind must rest in the belief that slavery is in the course of ultimate extinction. One can conclude from this passage that South Carolina seceded because it wanted slavery to continue. As such, your statements about Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee being against slavery, or about slavery eventually becoming extinct are irrelevant. The underlying motive behind Secession, as shown in this paragraph, was to preserve slavery. Secession was not done with the intention that the Confederate States of America choose its own method of eliminating slavery. I repeat: Secession was done in order to preserve slavery. The Declaration also fulminates against those Yankees who do not enforce fugitive slave laws. Apparently South Carolina did not like States' Rights when used in the North to not enforce fugitive slave laws. Which makes Secession seen as States' Rights issue a howler. States' Rights for we, but not for thee, said South Carolina. I would agree with you that the common foot soldiers of the CSA, who did not own slaves, were fighting to save their homeland from invasion, not to preserve slavery. That does not undo the ultimate reason for Secession, a movement led by and for the slave-owning elite: to preserve slavery. It does suggest that the common foot soldiers got conned by the slave-owning elite.
2012-12-13 00:55
Wilson signed the Sedition Act of 1918 (amendments to the Espionage Act of 1917, it banned"disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt during war, repealed in 1920) and the Palmer Red Raids resulting in numerous abuses of constitutional rights by applying patently unconstitutional laws or laws in an unconstitutional manner.
Wilson was also a notorious racist; he also ordered the invasion of Russia, Mexico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and lied the country into WW1. he was among the most destructive democrats of the 20th century. Lincoln, on the other hand, was totally boss. thank the gods he was president when we needed a president like him. Worst of all, he petulantly quit the reparations conference over allied demands, and went home. The allied radicals then took over, and drove the reparations that Hitler soon enough took power by reneging.
You gotta just love that RICH Ultra Lib Eddie Asner (gosh, don't you miss Lou and MTM back in the day... when he was funny?) and his fable on the 'badness' of being 'rich'...
Pot.Kettle. Black... Re NSA/FBI/CIA/DIA/NIS, etc., storing my mail. The headline got my attention, but upon opening I saw the link to RT. That was sufficient reason not to read any more.
...speaking of them RT fellers, here's your Russia 1930s kulak posters doing what the California teachers seek to do --dehumanize property owners and make them hateful and eventually easy to kill --which is what the kulak campaign actually did. Look at the images --they're aimed at the same brain chemistry.
http://www.soviethistory.org/index.php?page=subject&show=images&SubjectID=1929collectivization&Year=1929&navi=byYear http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QtILBeOMYI
Ghastley perverted crap --and exactly where the little Asner video is meant to lead. The video is from here, [urlhttp://www.collectingsoviethistory.com/2012_07_01_archive.html[/url] which, scroll down, shows you and me hanging at the end of a rope. Mary Tyler Moore shoulda pushed his fat ass out a window. It is interesting that Communism was a big part of FDR's presidency as he persued policies that prolonged and worsened the great depression and communism is such an obvious part of the Obama administration and we are surely in a great depression as well.
It is also ominous that the communists and those with communist backgrounds and confidants are so willing to be open about it. Teachers unions having teachers attend communist meetings. Union leaders embracing communist beliefs and even becoming card carrying communists. Congressmen who are openly communist, not just socialist but true Marxist/Leninist communists. I suggest you rent the movie Dr. Zhivago the one with Omar Sharif as the doctor. If you want to see how a nation is destroyed and taken over and the people seduced to agree to slavery it displayed for you in living color. http://www.bing.com/search?q=boris+pasternak+doctor+zhivago&form=IE8SRC&src=IE-SearchBox