We are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for.
Another article had a different take. What if the different union contracts were not equally "fair"? The Teamsters might have had a sweeter deal so it was easy to take the cut. Maybe the Bakers was just keeping up with inflation? No bread, no need for teamsters. There must be some differences, otherwise they would all be one union.
Remember Seinfeld and Kramer with the donut shop strike? 12 years on strike and they finally got a contract that was lower than the federal minimum wage
Bird Dog: "Twinkies bakers say they'd rather lose jobs than take pay cuts"
Worker of 23 years said "he earned roughly $35,000 with overtime last year, down from about $45,000 five years ago." That seems hardly exorbitant, and it seems the unions had already agreed to substantial sacrifices. While workers were having their pay and benefits cut, the CEO received a 300% pay raise, while other executives had 60-100% increases in compensation.
Sounds like Hostess had other issues that led to their bankruptcy.
Marco Rubio is a smart and personable politician. I like him and many of the things he stands for. I don't live in Florida but if I did I could not vote for him because of his position on illegal immigration. He wants to give them all amnesty. We can argue over whether or not he has said that exactly but it doesn't change his intent. First he wants to give them the dream act, then he wants "comprehensive immigration change" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) then a pathway for all the family members of the new immigrants. This will destroy the country, period. He isn't a bad person who wants to destroy the country he is first and foremost a "hispanic" who wants to help "his people". Not help the citizens, not insure the country survives, not uphold the constitution; he wants to help "his people". I don't want leaders of OUR country who want to first and foremost help the citizens of another country. The economic costs for 20 million new citizens once we apporve amnesty and the inevitable rush of millions and millions following that mistake are HUGE and you and I, the citizens, will be required to pay for it all. Allo the free health care, welfare, special privilages for them but not for you, crime and incarceration costs, etc. All of that will be paid for by you and I. Your SS will collapse under the weight of the new "citizens" and your IRA and 401k will be looted to pay off the incredible debt. You taxes will go up and up and you may lose your home as taxes for schools exceed your ability to pay them. Doubt this? Look at California. Rubio is a nice person who just wants to help some underprivilaged lawbreakes because after all they are "his people". He will not get my vote and I hope he will not get many votes. He needs to decide which country he prefers and who his people are.
All five of our children can drive a manual transmission. I figure they can now drive anything.
I was once deployed to Jordan, and had a challenge finding young soldiers who could drive a stick, let alone a 3-on-the-tree gearshift. (Thank goodness for my Dad's old Falcon). I had to put several vehicles in gear, get folks to move them, and quickly train several folks how to shift a column mounted transmission.
How quickly many skills dissipate, when not used or needed.