Ramirez toon above from IBD via NYM
Curiosity Nails It: Mars Used to Have Flowing Water
Climate change!
An Economic Primer: Why Americans Won’t Invest in Themselves
The Scottish Enlightenment, Darwinism, and golf?
Caddell: ‘The media have become an enemy of the American people’
A good rant from Dem Caddell
Dems Apparently Blind to Bad Economic News
As is the press
School Cafeteria Employee: 'Seconds' Banned, Extra Food Thrown Away Under Obama Rules
Guns don’t kill people, printers do!
Women warriors of the Mossad
Crazifornia: How California Is Committing Suicide
Regulation and the International Competitiveness of the U.S. Economy
France goes for the gold with a 75 percent income tax on high earners
Here are two reasons most Americans don't trust the mainstream media
U.S. Move to Give Egypt $450 Million in Aid Meets Resistance
Allen West ad: Hey, guess where I was while my opponent was drunk and disorderly?
Get Mad Now, Mitt - Sorrow over Bam isn’t enough
Don’t Look Now But… Obama’s Approval Rating Matches 2010 Right Before Historic Thumping
Dan Mitchell Talking about Elections, Competitiveness, and Protectionism on Fox
The Electability Myth
Poll: Nearly 80% Think Everyone Should Pay Some Income Tax
Spain Doubles Down on Austerity
Israel: August sets new record for incoming tourists
Egypt’s Christians facing the fate of Egyptian Jews
Jewish reaction to thousands of antisemitic Arab cartoons: No riots, no injuries, no deaths
US Nuclear arsensal deteriorating
Tracked: Sep 30, 09:25