Image above via Moonbattery
Chat with a knee-jerk Liberal friend yesterday:
Her: Romney was telling the truth. It's just getting to be too much. We need a WPA to put people to work.
Me: How about unleashing the economy to make new real jobs?
Her: Yes, that would be better.
Cougars Are Making a Comeback in America
Dangerous out there: Never go outdoors - Mom Arrested For Letting Kids Play Outside
In Cabo, a million dollar tuna
We're gonna need afford a bigger boat
ACLU, Single Mom Gets Father-Daughter Dances Banned
It's only fair. Because, gee, what if a Dad has no daughters?
Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Another Record
Advice to Romney: Treat the Press as Enemy Collaborators
McCain: Why Liberals Hate You
George Will:
Childlike credulity about presidents’ abilities to subdue turbulent portions of the world by projecting “strength,” or to “manage” the domestic economy, encourages political infantilism.
Pro-family views cost ex-Marine a superintendent job in Berkeley
"No one has the right to a world in which he is never despised.”
Are You Ready For More Islamist Cartoon Riots?
Charlie Hebdo has More Guts than Entire American Media Combined
Corporate taxes: Sweden 22-U.S. 35
Gallup: Majority of Americans Believe Government Doing Too Much
Except when other peoples' money goes to them
Were African-Americans Part of “We the People” at the Time of the Founding?
Of course they were.
Obama would worry about his daughters growing up: “but they’re surrounded by men with guns”
So were my daughters. Not only that, but they know how to shoot. Every American kid should know how to shoot - not just the gangstas.
While U.S. soldiers are being killed by their supposed allies, military bases are being infiltrated by suicide commandos, and the strategy put in place to win the war has been suspended, President Obama’s “good war” is a war he has studiously avoided discussing during election season. That has to change.
Barack Obama is a world-class liar. At least, we’d better hope he is a world class liar, because if he really has no idea what the national debt is, we are in even worse trouble.
Via Driscoll:
The overwhelming political objective of the Democratic Party since the 1930’s has been to get as many people as possible enrolled in one government program or another, at least in part to guarantee their votes in subsequent elections: “Tax and tax, spend and spend, and elect and elect.”
And now it’s somehow a scandal when a Republican notes that they succeeded, to the tune of nearly half the country?
Am I missing something?
Genocides, unlike hurricanes, are predictable, says world expert. And Iran is following the pattern
Good rant at Sultan's Truth is the Ultimate Gaffe:
In a state of national and international disaster, the worst possible gaffe is telling the truth about the state of affairs we are in. These gaffes disturb the party-goers signing up to work for non-profits and watching cheerful reports about the Arab Spring and the economic recovery while the ship sinks around them. And the party men and women react to it with the outraged demeanor of spoiled children.