This must be what Bill Clinton meant by referring to Obama as "an amateur." Woodward on how Obama's incompetence, lack of relationships, and poor judgements blew up the budget deal.
It's an appalling story.
Related: Decline and Fall: The Tragedy of Barack Obama:
February 2010 was the ripping point of the Obama presidency. The only way the president could be a Hegelian Great Man of History — a doer of world-historical, taxpayer-subsidized deeds — was by sacrificing the ideals of unity and conciliation that had gotten him elected in the first place. For his transformative agenda was curiously unsuited to the times: Instead of confessing himself “childlike to the genius of his age,” he seemed to think he was living in 1933. He was blind to the fact that in 2010 not even a statesman of FDR’s gifts could have forged a consensus in favor of a centrally planned, state-run behemoth like Obamacare.
Win or lose, he is toast until he can get out of the White House and begin to make some serious bucks on the golf lecture circuit.