Kentucky WWII Vet Earl Jones, 92, Shoots 1 of 3 Intruders Dead
This sort of thing discourages home invasion
Meanwhile, Brits arrested for shooting home invaders
This sort of thing encourages home invasion
Why Coyote forces his employees to take lunch breaks even if they don't want to
The idea that presidents “run” the economy is both ludicrous and fairly novel.
Except, Jonah, they can get out of the way
Fact Check: Obama Had More to Do With 2008 Economic Meltdown Than Bush Ever Did
Why Is the ObamaCare Tax/Penalty Needed at All?
Because people don't want it
RomneyCare 2.0 - With costs rising fast, Massachusetts moves to dictate medical care.
Brooks: Man, these Democrats really love abortion, don’t they?
Horror show: Wednesday night at the DNC
Is Elizabeth Warren Martha Coakley with a fake ethnicity?
Liberal Harvard professor finds Democratic platform omissions on Israel ‘deeply troubling’
Joyner: A Close Election That’s Not Close
He thinks Obama has it sewn up
Barone: Obama Hobbled by Record, Slumping Democratic Brand
Obama’s Invisible Second-Term Agenda
Romney: DNC a 'celebration of failure'
Nearly 65 years after Israel’s creation, two Palestinian societies emerge, new study shows - 60 percent of Israeli Arabs say they would not allow their daughter to marry a Palestinian from the West Bank
Claim: Clinton Collected $50K Per Month From MF Global - for PR
Dems certainly do know how to get rich in politics. Hillary has made $30 million of her own - a tidy sum for a "life dedicated to public service." Bill, I heard, has made about triple that.