China's megalopolises may seem impressive on paper, but they are awful places to live.
Spanx on Steroids: How Speedo Created the New Record-Breaking Swimsuit
Do Parents Have A Moral Obligation to Genetically Upgrade Their Kids?
Of course they do. It's called "selecting a worthy mate."
Mataconis: Maybe We’re Getting Exactly The Political Culture We Deserve
Ryan's seriousness inspires Democratic silliness
Georgia high school choruses reportedly not diverse enough to perform with Atlanta orchestra
Brooklyn Deli Clerk's Face Slashed Open For Refusing To Sell Beer For Food Stamps
Probably a racist
Hayward: Are Democrats Starting to Lose It Already?
Russia’s Rock N Roll Riot
Pizza Franchise Creates ‘Not After Dark’ Delivery Rule In Detroit
The WASP-less election
Mitt and Barack are semi-WASPS
Federal Government Freezes Travel Per Diems for 2013 — Does Your Senator Think You’re Not Paying Enough?
Even in Bankruptcy, Unions Get Special Treatment - The pension-debt time bomb detonates in bankruptcy court.
WH Press Corps: Obama Dodging Issues, Tough Questions From Journalists
In Latest Interview Media Asks Obama Hard-Hitting Questions Like: What’s Your Favorite New Mexican Food?… What’s a Good Workout Song?
He's a flashy celebrity, not a national manager
Column: Obama’s reelection strategy is driving America apart
Nobel Economists Back Mitt Romney's Plan
The Mantle of Leadership Has Shifted: Romney, Ryan Govern in All but Name:
The honest reflections of the more thoughtful voices on the American left confirm that Romney and Ryan are, in effect, leading the country. First there was William Saletan of Slate, who wrote--without irony: "A wonderful thing has happened for this country. Paul Ryan will be the Republican nominee for vice president." He added that Republicans like Ryan were the perfect antidote to Democratic excesses: "Maybe, like me, you were raised in a liberal household. You don’t agree with conservative ideas on social or foreign policy. But this is why God made Republicans: to force a reality check when Democrats overpromise and overspend."
The dry weather has returned to the Lakes Region which means that once again I can get some work done around the outside of The Manse. It also looks like the weather will continue through next weekend, meaning I will...
Tracked: Aug 19, 20:19