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Friday, May 25. 2012Palestinian Propagandizing Of American ChildrenFor those of you who, like I, enjoy “world music” it is saddening that a major venue in San Diego which largely targets children is sponsoring pro-Palestinian propaganda from a virulent anti-Israel, anti-US group operating under the misleading name Middle East Children’s Alliance. The WorldBeat Cultural Center sits on San Diego City property in Balboa Park and is funded by some prestigious foundations and corporate sponsors. This misuse of their funds, and reputations, deserves direct protests. The Oakland Museum of Children’s Art had dropped this exhibit in October 2011, a Board member explaining:
Rabbi James Brandt, CEO of the Jewish Community Federation of the Greater East Bay, was more direct in a joint statement with East Bay’s Jewish Community Relations Council and the Anti-Defamation League:
The exhibit is by the anti-Israel, anti-US Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA). The drawings were done under the supervision of “therapists” hired by MECA. Some art experts doubt the drawings were even done by children, or they were touched up by adults. MECA is the funder of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which sends young protestors to Israel to oppose its security fencing made necessary by Palestinian cross-border terror attacks and participated in the May 2010 flotilla from Turkey to Gaza. MECA also raised funds for George Galloway’s “Viva Palestine” convoy. MECA’s Executive Director wrote “I think the Jewish State is racist to the core.” MECA states its goal: “We educate North Americans about children in the region and the brutal impact of US foreign policy on their lives.” As with other drawings by Gaza children, the viewpoint is one of victimization and hatred as inculcated by all the official Hamas propaganda aimed at Gazan children. For example, a Gaza TV show for children tells them to slaughter all Jews, and another uses a rabbit to say he “will finish off the Jews and eat them, Allah willing." Another encourages children of the glory of death for Allah in attacking Jews. And another Hamas childrens program: “Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews!" in reference to Muhammad's battle against Jews in the year 629. Here’s a sample of the exhibit at the San Diego World Beat Cultural Center :
The exhibit includes the film “Tears of Gaza” made in 2010 by a Norweigan activist Vibeke Lokkeberg. She gathered film of Gazan children shot by, according to her, “15 or 20” Palestinians during the Israel incursion into Gaza during the winter of 2008-9, and selected the most worrisome. Needless to say, children caught up in war is a tragedy and heartrending. At Wikipedia: “The directors explain that it is not Hamas that is being hit hardest in such a war, it is the civilians, and this is what the producers have tried to focus on through this film.” Actually, most killed were not civilians but armed Hamas and its allied combatants. They were often firing from among civilians. But, make no mistake about the purpose of the film. In Lokkeberg’s own words in an interview at the World Socialist website:
Her husband adds: “We were asked why we did not show the other side, the Israeli side. But when a bomb lands on one’s head, there is no “other side.” But, there is another side, the constant rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel and other cross-border attacks. Israel is completely justified in defending itself and its civilians. JJ Surbeck, attended the event last night. Surbeck earned a law degree from the University of Geneva and worked for 16 years for the International Committee of the Red Cross. He now heads up T.E.A.M. (Training and Education About the Middle East). Surbeck attended the event last night. Surbeck writes:
In an email to me from another attendee at the event, the curator of the event commented during a Q&A: ""the media can't write about Gaza because of the people who own the newspapers", a veiled reference to the Jewish conspiracy canard so popular among anti-Semites. Back to the WorldBeat Cultural Center. Here’s its Mission Statement:
This anti-Israel program hardly fits that Mission. WorldBeat is a 501(c)(3) organization, formally named Prophet World Beat Productions, which according to Guidestar had annual revenues in 2010 of $362,267. According to WorldBeat’s website, its prominent sponsors include the taxpayer-funded state agency California Arts Council, San Diego Commission for Arts & Culture, federal HUD Community Block Development Program, the Port of San Diego. In addition, excluding an obviously liberal activist organization like RESIST and some other legitimate charitable organizations, there are private company contributions from Target Corporation and foundations from Alliance Healthcare and Real Networks. One must wonder if these contributors are aware of the misuse of their funds and the association of their names with this anti-Israel propaganda. If you care to write to them, go to the link at the top of this paragraph. Some have email addresses. Some don’t, which itself is curious for philanthropic organizations that affect our community, particularly taxpayer-funded ones. I’ve taken my sons to the WorldBeat Cultural Center for music events. I won’t again.
Posted by Bruce Kesler
in Hot News & Misc. Short Subjects, Our Essays
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An oldie but goodie:
http://www.moonbattery.com/Pal.v.IDF.jpg Talk about the "abundance of sad stories of children and women", a close friend of ours is a Christian Arab, born and raised in near Nazareth, educated in Beirut as a doctor and sent to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to work for ARMCO during his residency. While there he witnessed and treated many five-to-nine year-olds who had had their right hands chopped off at the wrist for stealing a loaf of bread or other minor food item as their families were starving. He also pronounced dead those women who, having been accused of infidelity, were buried up to their necks in sand, then stoned to death. When he finally got a visa to come to the U.S., he had to redo his residency in order to practice medicine, which he said "was a small price to pay to leave the hell hole of Islam."
Always the pro-Israel perspective, flawed and deceiving. Why not mention the slaughter of Gazans (many were children) by the IDF or the constant pilaging of Palestinian villages and orchards by settlers who are living on stolen land? What about the indignities, the different laws for different people, diversion of life-sustaining water supplies, apartheid, murder of unarmed citizens. Your perspective and dribble are true to form for the deceivers of reality.
OK, here’s a pro-Palestinian perspective, pro the people rather than their rulers. Many Gazans have been killed and wounded by the defective or misguided rockets and mortars fired by terrorists within Gaza toward Israel’s civilians. Some Gazans have been killed and wounded by Israeli counter-fire because these terrorists place their firing positions among Gazan civilians. Before the state of Israel was founded and since many Jewish villages were attacked and pillaged by Arabs, and encouraged to do so by Palestinian leaders, bringing retributions upon other Arabs. Palestinians are declared to die if selling land or buildings to Jews while the Israel Supreme Court defends purchases by Palestinians. Synagogues, Jewish cemeteries, and ancient sacred Jewish tombs are desecrated when in Palestinian hands while mosques, cemeteries and the Moslem structures built upon Temple Mount are allowed and protected within Israel. Israeli-Arabs have full civil rights while Jews have none in Palestinian Gaza or West Bank or elsewhere in Moslem countries. Water and supplies for civilians are provided by Israel to Gaza and the West Bank, while much is diverted to use or profit by Hamas insiders. The ones being deceived are only those who spout your drivel and those Palestinians who suffer from it.
No doubt, Israel and Jews are far from perfect, but the overwhelming balance of facts place them closer than the apologists and violent leaders who have considtently consigned Palestinian civilians to conditions far worse than otherwise would have been or are. Further, this post is about how such people are hate-hucksters rather than those who would promote peace that would help Palestinian civilians. "slaughter." None. Words have meanings. Pillaging, murder, and apartheid also have specific meanings. You throw words around for their emotive impact, without regard to their actual values. Feeling that Nebraska is close to the Rockies which are in the American West which is where the Pacific is does not make Omaha a coastal town.
The Palestinians can have peace any time the want it. That has been true for decades. Their refusal to compromise even 1%, insisting that they have all their demands met or they will walk away from the table, is the entire story. Balderdash! Palestinians won't go to the peace table because Israel (Likud) won't stop more illeagal settlements being built, and you know it. It's chutzpah to say "let's talk peace while I confiscate more of your land". Thats' the way Zionism works...make the other side look like it's balking. One more aside; you dismiss the plight of Palestinians, but never stop reminding the world about the holocaust. O.K., the holocaust was a crime against humanity and I condemn it. But, let's have some parity. If you expect sholom, there must be salaam.
BS on your "Balderdash!" From pre-state Israel to now, Palestinians have rejected every inch of soil occupied by a Jew in the former Ottoman area.
Further, you say "you dismiss the plight of Palestinians, but never stop reminding the world about the holocaust". There is no equivalence, and any effort to say so is an abuse of both the holocaust and makes difficult taking more seriously those who do say so. Look, instead, at the Palestinian leaders' corruption for Palestinians' plight, the relief of which is against palestinian leders self-interest as that would end their own profiteering on the backs of those kept from having better lives due to their rejectionism. Also. Those pictures were not drawn by children. It is ludicrous to even consider That in itself tells you what you need to know about the exhibit, and is an excellent symbol of the consistent deception of Palestinian advocacy.
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