Vermont bans fracking, but there is no oil or gas in Vermont, nor do they understand what fracking is
Funny, they don't ban fracked fuels from other states
My Son Looks Like a Girl. So What? (h/t Althouse)
Fat, Broke, and Single?
Regulating the Innovation Out of Charter Schools
Media Works To Suppress Obama 'Born in Kenya' Bio
"we rich Westerners are already beyond the practical limits that humans should ever aspire to achieve in terms of health, wealth – and even of education."
Why the Obama Campaign Is Blowing the Election
Ain’t no politics like identity politics ’cause identity politics don’t stop
Diversity training makes things worse (h/t Insty)
Media Pretends Mormonism Will Hurt Romney; Study Says Opposite
Clive Crook: Why I Think Obama Is Losing:
Obama's big problem, I think, is that he is no longer the president he said he would be. Above all, he's stopped trying to be that president.
U.S. Metros Are Ground Zero for Majority-Minority Populations
According to Adecco, nearly a third of parents are helping their kids find work, and nearly one in ten are taking them to job interviews.
Re-linked: Acknowledging The Arrival Of Peak Government
Via NYM:
Treating college as the new high school hasn’t benefited students who waste four years of their lives and pick up staggering debts which make it harder for them to buy homes and start families, but it has benefited the liberal arts infrastructure, which, despite the liberal spin, is just as good at handing out useless degrees with no career path as any for-profit college. And it has benefited the Democratic Party, which rightly sees college campuses as recruitment grounds and liberal-voter-training seminars. ...
Re-linked: Deterring Bullies: The “Karate Kid” Program
Is Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, a 1978 case rejecting academic racial quotas, the smoking gun behind Obama’s Kenyan identity?
The Audacity of Faith
Deficit likely higher than Jerry Brown's estimate
Did Elizabeth Warren Plagiarize Her 'Pow Wow Chow' Recipes?
Linda Chavez on her DNA geneology
Howie Carr: If moccasin were on the other foot...
‘Barack Obama: A Composite Kenyan’