We linked this NYT op-ed this morning: Do You Need That Test?
Of course expensive and extensive testing is ordered, these days, partly because of malpractice. Any doc will say so. It's about CYA.
As a consequence, young docs are being trained to rely more on the tests they can order than on old-fashioned inexpensive clinical, hands-on evaluation and diagnosis. Thus a vicious cycle begins. And it's all free, because "insurance pays for it." So you get the patient's family in on it too: "Doc, we want you to do every possible thing and do every possible test to check out Granny." Is that an argument a physician wants to have?
No doctor enjoys being on the witness stand answering the question "So, Dr., you elected not to order a CAT scan for Mrs. Jones' headache because you trusted your clinical judgement, and felt the expense-benefit ratio was wrong?"