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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, January 7. 2012Saturday morning linksVanderleun: The 9 Minute Lecture on How to Have a Longer Life Exercise Via Insty, Revenge of the Point-and-Shoot - Samsung wants you to know the camera isn't dead yet. Kodak invented the digital camera, but... How Art History Majors Power the U.S. Economy: Virginia Postrel Lefties Wet Their Pants Thinking about Post-Obama America Will: Government: The redistributionist behemoth The Mt. Rainier Shooting and PTSD: How the Media Got It Wrong Charles Blow: Repubs already going racist Good grief Senator Marco Rubio to Obama: You’re Turning America Into a “Deadbeat Nation” Fred Siegel and Joel Kotkin - The New Authoritarianism: A firm hand for a “nation of dodos” Comments
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I suspect that you didn't take time to listen to Vanderleun: The 9 Minute Lecture on How to Have a Longer Life.
The point was to exercise for thirty minutes per day. Losing weight helps only a little. Art history majors - No one really cares if you major in Art History until you start whining about paying your debt or wanting to be kept up. So unless you daddy's going to keep you up, you should minor in Beauty School so you have a way to make a living. Plus, you may be able to increase your tips if you can entertain your customers with you art history knowledge.
Plus, Postrel offers yet another defense of liberal arts but a defense for the "Liberal Arts" few of us have ever seen in the general ed offerings. Perhaps they should offer less composition through hip hop and more classical rhetoric. Less gender/sexuality/race oppression in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and more appreciation of the Great Books. Government redistribution behemoth - They've made us a nation of whores. Kind of a theme today - What passes for Liberal Arts these days + government redistribution= perfect fodder for The new Authoritarians She was dishonest in many ways in this article.
She skipped over the entire degree of "psychology" which rates 2nd to Business in popularity. Where's the demand for 20% of the country's college graduates to have such degrees? And that doesn't even count its sickly cousin, sociology. Then she lumps STEM majors together, despite the fact that the category includes physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, mathematics, and a host of engineering disciplines...10-15 majors, and yet we're reassured that it's ok, b/c combined they're about 1/6 of all degrees. Meanwhile, Communications is defended b/c it's perceived as "job preparation." That's willfully missing the point entirely. The condition of McChord base outside of Seattle being termed in crisis can easily be understood by anyone who is familiar with the extreme left politics of WA state and Seattle in particular. These men fight for individual liberty and national security. The women who run WA state do not believe in either. Let's not forget that Seattle is the city that has tried for years to "tone down the celebration of war" by limiting the typical millitary parades. At one point they even tried to cancel the 4th of July parade. The local papers never announce when/where the parades are to be held. This same group of women tried to stop the Blue Angels Air show--not because it was dangerous to the public but rather because it encourages war like activities. The conflict between the billions of dollars that WA state receives from the Federal government (Boeing research, and the UW) compared with it's extreme communist ideology is enough to make any citizen stressed !
Woops, excuse me there is an error in my above comment. They tried to cancel the Memorial Day parade--not 4th of July. But they did try for years to cancel the Blue Angels. The local gals who anchor both the news shows claimed that by having the Blue Angels flying over head we were teaching our children to be happy about weapons of war.
another one--
How differently an exhibit by the Blue Angels affects me. I get a warm, fuzzy feeling of security from those kinds of shows. You have heard me say on numerous occasions that Seattle belongs to China in more ways than one. The huge port facility is the nearly the nearest place for Chinese goods to enter the US. I don't suppose anyone (Mississippi, Louisiana, New york, etc.) ever regrets giving up the Panama Canal? We could have kept the Panama Canal and poured billions of dollars into expanding it's capabilities for larger freighters, thereby maintaining a stronger position in the shipping world. We would have been able to expand the commerce coming through the southern states and even helped Texas out a little bit. The Panamanians (whoever they are) would have been VERY happy with the extra income. I encourage all of MF to Google "China". When that earth picture comes up, back away so that you can see the US and China in the same screen. You will understand better why the Chinese own Seattle!
Me too Mary ! I have always taken for granted our security because we knew for a fact that we were the strongest military in the world. That is no longer the case and it terrifies me. I am seeing again in my mind last year's picture of a Chinese sub surfacing right next to one of our largest ships without our crew ever knowing the Chinese were close by--it was only war games, but we lost more on that day than they will ever tell us. I believe we lost determination. I listened to Panetta and Dempsey trying to convince the American people that these cuts and the new "design" of American military will be ok. Like a guilty child trying to convince his parents that "everything will be ok, I'll fix it . . " No. They both sounded too focused on making the case, winning over the people--too, too intense for me to feel safe and secure again. It will be a long, long time before they can do that--perhaps, if they started really manning our borders with Mexico I might feel safer.
Tracked: Jan 07, 09:01