We're entering a slow time on the intertunnel between pre-Christmas and the New Year. Normal people don't want to have to think too much right now, and don't want to get bummed out with the daily depressing news. We will press on, however, but readers might anticipate a fair number of recycled posts next week. Many of our staff will be merrily skiing and wassailing in the frozen north, but we have "content" in the pipeline.
Dance Teacher: $166,000 salary
The Green Gospel in Vermont
In Defense of Bullying
Bullying provides good education about reality. Receiving a bit of it did me good.
Roger is hilarious about Williams College: Hate Crime at Williams?
Best headline at Drudge: Man shoots at mouse, hits roommate; another roommate arrested for rape
Sheesh. Sounds like a dorm at Williams
Occupy Darien, CT?
Columnist finds Nerfguns frightening comment on America
Good grief. What a pussy
Risk And The Indentured Servitude Of Student Loans
My truth, your truth?
Egypt’s Kristallnacht
Paul Ryan: America Cannot Survive Another Four Years of Obama
Yes We Can, but many will not chose to
Why Occupy AARP?
Megan: Why pilot projects often are not scaleable
Forbes: It's Time To Say Goodbye To The 'Both/And' Era Of Government
A book coming out soon: Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren't the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room, by David Weinberger
The Real Outcome of the Iraq War: US and Iranian Strategic Competition in Iraq
Pic above is an archival pic from Theo
Image below is via Vanderleun
Tracked: Dec 23, 07:26
Tracked: Dec 23, 14:08