Just minutes into last Monday afternoon's confab between Jon Huntsman and Newt Gingrich, I heard Newt say something really noteworthy and thought,
Man, I should grab that clip for the post and jotted down the video time to snip it out later.
A few minutes after that, I heard another memorable quote and jotted down the time. Then another. Then-
At that point I realized the whole damn video was turning into a highlight reel. I realized that this wasn't a debate or a forum or even an in-depth discussion.
It was a seminar.
There quickly comes a point when you realize you've never heard anything quite like this before, and certainly not outside academia. It isn't just that both of these people are masters of the field of foreign policy, but they're both master tacticians, as well. You not only hear the what and why, but the how to, as well.
If Newt's the 'Big Picture' guy, Huntsman isn't far behind. His serving as Ambassador to China gave him a world view that none of the other candidates can touch save Gingrich. The extra dimension he provided to the affair is his in-depth knowledge on how to deal with this rising economic-military behemoth, while Gingrich does his usual superb job of keeping things in historical perspective.
When you have an hour and a half to spare sometime, give it a spin. The link is here. Click on the link over to the right to begin play.
This isn't something to be rushed through or watched in pieces. You'll see what I mean at the end. This is an event to be savored.