The CRA - Cigar Rights of America
What guy does not want to find a nice cigar in his stocking on Christmas morning?
Master's degree? Bad idea
Proposed S. Korean Towers Resemble Exploding World Trade Center
The economics of Moneyball
Megan: What Happened In Europe?
Is the Real Unemployment Rate 22.6%?
So: If Obama is such a learned man, what the f has he learned since age 19?
As the old saying goes, "You can always tell a Harvard man, but you can't tell him much."
The O Admin: We'll raise your gas and oil prices any way we can
Miller: The Liberal Case for Israel
'We don't have any real policing in Camden. They're just out here to pick up the bodies': Inside America's most dangerous city
This ex-city is defunct. Needs bulldozing, like Detroit.
Christmas card was on Gateway yesterday. Last Sunday at church we were joking about putting up a sign saying "It's Avent! Occupy church!" -

Tracked: Dec 10, 09:11
Tracked: Dec 11, 09:00
Tracked: Dec 11, 11:15