I forgot where I found today's image
Hitler and smoking
A movie: Margin Call
Another major diarist: Everywhere Man - Count Harry Kessler dined with Diaghilev, fought for Germany, and penned one of the greatest diaries ever published.
PRESS RELEASE: Humane Society of the United States Still Stiffing Nation’s Pet Shelters (h/t SDA)
Will Dropouts Save America?
Lawler: Is Higher Education Worth It?
Why the Government is Not Going to Force Banks to Write Down Your Mortgage Principal
US States Are Facing Total Debt of Over $4 Trillion
What happened to Obama in Vegas
Student Loans for Dummies
Related: President Cloward-Piven’s Latest Move Will Stiff Taxpayers and Add Billions to US Debt
Related: Obama Taps Taxpayers For Student Stimulus
Chicago-style vote-buying of the worst sort. Not clear to me how this can be done without going through the House.
Related, Incentives Work for Pigeons. Can They Motivate American College Students?
IPCC exposed
New Poll Finds a Deep Distrust of Government
Americans usually feel that way. It's an American attitude, and a good one. Trow da bums out!
Income mobility: How to Make it in America
The campaign has begun: The O will be working for his campaign full-time for the next 12 months - between golf and vacations
China's real estate bubble
Losing the Economic Battle - The global debt apocalypse approaches.
UK update: Now you can defend your home and family
How about firearms? Knives are so messy...
Obama's War on Greed
Government is greedier than your average CEO, plus the CEO works hard for his paycheck, while government just takes it from him with no effort at all
Major Democrat Donor Sajat Gupta Indicted on Insider Trading Charges
Hugely respected guy in the biz world. It's said he did not profit from any information.
Wizbang: The Mitt I know
Confused, Inarticulate Woman Pretty Darn Sure The Government Is Preventing Her From Fully Utilizing Her Skill-Set In Economy
The video there is cruel
President Obama's Blame-Americans-First Tour
Claims it's our fault the economy stinks
The Real Lessons of Moneyball - The efficient market hypothesis in Michael Lewis’s book essentially holds fast, but there are still inefficiencies to be exploited
Was Fiscal Irresponsibility Part of ObamaCare's Plan?
It was designed to fail
Report: Obama’s Muslim Advisers Block Middle Eastern Christians’ Access to the White House
European Leaders Agree to Bail Out Greece in Massive Write-off
Tracked: Oct 27, 07:48