PJ: My Love Affair with My Washing Machine
How do the front-loaders wash without water?
Kimball: Speaking of Shared Sacrifice . . .
John Kerry's Swift Boat Defender Stripped of Medal
Would You Live in Detroit if They Paid You To? The video is heart-breaking.
Krugman: The Cult That Is Destroying America
Krugman is out there
WaPo 'On Faith' Contributor Blames Christianity for Oslo Bombing, Shooting
That didn't take long
At Daily Caller:
No rational person can look at Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and now Obamacare and actually believe that these programs can be funded for 50 more years. Yet there isn’t a substantive movement from either political party’s leadership to stop them.
Trump: Obama is 'Now Totally Lost,' Boehner Must Not Fold
Obama: After 2 1/2 Years, A Has-Been
Polls Show That If Election Were Held Today… Barack Obama Would Lose in a Landslide
Via Lucianne,
At a critical time in its history, the country has as its president a man unqualified and unable to lead. Even the left has begun to finally question their allegiance to Barack Obama, and more importantly, his allegiance to them. More Americans, some in the media, are openly asking if the president is a liar, with the word mendacity frequently used in describing his actions. (snip) For the first time in Barack Obama's life, he is accountable, and upon his shoulders rest the lives and fortunes of millions in the United States and the world.
Soros goes Galt? Lefty closing his fund due to government regs
Via SDA:
Tracked: Jul 27, 07:16