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Sunday, July 24. 2011A few Sunday morning links
Hundreds of whale sharks meet off the Mexican coast Dodd-Frank Damage Begins to Unfold Default Now, or Suffer a More Expensive Crisis Later: Ron Paul Charles Krauthammer: Obama At His Most Sanctimonious Am Thinker: The Jews in the Basement Obama campaign attracts Wall Street money, despite tensions Dr. Bill Ayers: Or how I learned to stop bombing and destroy the system from within ... We check in with Dinocrat almost daily. He seems as fond of Alison Krause and Keith Jarrett as I am, so I decided to check his profile. Not too shabby. Is the world really overpopulated? Krauthammer to PBS Host: You Manage to Introduce a ‘Hell of a Lot of Bias’ Return of Mass Layoffs a Grim Sign for U.S. Workers Comments
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The link to the American Thinker article on "The Jews in the Basement" is bad: links back to Maggie's.
Try this: www.americanthinker.com/2011/07/the_jews_in_the_basement.html I tried an embedded link, and it got thrown out as SPAM. SPAM. Really great Spam prevention, here, Maggie's Farm. I try to give a good link, and you ER#$WSDERF%R#$ stop it. Really great system you have here. Spam Prevention: Invalid message. Your comment could not be added because comments for this entry have either been disabled, you entered invalid data, or your comment was caught by anti-spam measures. What effing idiot designed this system?? I'm just curious about the anti-spam comment...so I'm posting the above link in this comment.
American Thinker -Jews in the Basement Gringo, did you just try to post the link w/o comment, as I've found that just posting a link or a terse comment trips the anti-spam action. Jephnol, I had a terse comment added to the link:
The link to the American Thinker article on "The Jews in the Basement" is bad: links back to Maggie's. I have ever seen such an effed up Spam Fighter as here at Maggie's Farm. Big G - According to BD in some post a few years ago, this site gets hit with something like 10,000 pieces of spam a day. The fact that almost none of it gets through is a testament to the person BD picked for the job, to the anti-spam programs he employs, and his skills at doing so.
As you no-doubt know, I've left hundreds of embedded links in comments here, some as the last word of the paragraph, some right in the middle, and not once have I ever seen a spam filter. I'd be tempted to think the problem was on your end, like perhaps a persnickety firewall program that's not letting some critical piece of info through, like your IP address, and whatever filters are in place are detecting it, and, just like getting an incoming call that has the phone number blocked, it's figuring what's blocked in yours is indicative that it's just more spam. Thanks for the Dinocrat link. Went to the site - spent an hour reading the posts. Added to my blog list now. Appreciate it.
Watched some the Sunday morn MSM to see how the pundits were covering the budget debate. Multiple -- and I mean MULTIPLE -- times, the commentators referred to our nation as a democracy. A democracy? I don't think so. The U.S. is a R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C.
That is what's wrong, BHO, the constitutional lawyer, and his constituents don't understand the difference. If you were watching the Sunday shows, then you probably noticed the usual assault on the Republicans, this time for being "stubborn" in not letting the Democrats have their way over the budget and the debt ceiling. The pundits on the ABCBSNBC shows never tire of bashing the Republicans for acting in exactly the same way as the Democrats do.
On FOX, Brit Hume went senile, arguing that the Republicans ought to surrender now to the Dems and resume the fight once again over the 2012 budget. Hello Brit? Budget negotiations should be going on right now! Actually, by this time, the Congress is supposed to have a final budget IN PLACE, except that the two parties obviously cannot agree on spending cuts and spending priorities. Postponing the fight now with the Dems in order to resume it in September, as Hume advises, is a pretty dumb idea with no upside for the Republicans. If the Congressional Repubs get rolled by the Dems now on the debt ceiling, they will have less chance of getting agreement on the 2012 budget in September. Plus, they will lose the respect and support of a lot of Conservatives. If the GOP wants to survive 2011, it will have to risk the fall out from getting no agreement with the Dems on raising the debt ceiling with spending cuts. The stock market has already largely discounted that failure. The rating agencies are going to downgrade the credit rating of the US whether or not an agreement is reached over the debt ceiling (a few of them already have downgraded the US), so there's no need for the Repubs to rush into abject surrender with the Dems. Having similar problems posting a link....
Thought these were pretty interesting: http://www.american.com/archive/2011/july/yes-you-really-can-cut-your-way-to-prosperity http://www.american.com/archive/2011/june/rotten-wind-in-the-state-of-denmark While the Prosperity article looked a little boring, the Denmark was quite interesting. And damn these embedded links for not working!
Are you guys using the right template? (url=http://www)text(/url) Except it uses square brackets, not parens. Just noting, but code is pretty sensitive stuff and if there's even a blank space in the wrong place, it might throw it off. And it might be that the software simply isn't smart enough to differentiate between the two and is giving you a 'spam' message, whereas what it really means is 'wrong formatting'. It's a possibility. And, again, you and Gringo might be using the same firewall program, or maybe have your browser's security settings cranked up, and hence having the same prob. I have been using the right template from More Tips Here.. I preview before I submit/try to submit my comment, to make sure the link is good. I like the templates used here, as it is easier to type "[" than the other thingy, as one does not have to hit the shift key.
If you don't use the square bracket template, the link will not show up as a link. I will try Jephnol's tip of surrounding links with more text. We will see what happens this time. Boring?
Economics boring? The "dismal science" has no interest??? LOL I find anything related to Economics intriguing...particularly if there are major flaws in it (like most MSM stuff or anything Krugman and Friedman write). As for the links - I have no idea why I kept getting the spam message until I put some language before the links. Then the links didn't work, then I realized I did the brackets improperly and I wound up deleting them. I'm not trying to be a DB, but just curious about this phenomenon:
Cut Your Way to Prosperity Rotten Wind in Denmark As written above I received the spam warning, but I got through with this addition. Weird.... To clarify my remark: In the above comment with only the first 3 lines (note and 2 links) I received the spam warning; adding the fourth line got me by the spam warning. The format matches my 10:26 comment, which got by anti-spam measures. Perhaps you have bury a link in text or bracket a free-standing link with text to get through. (Shrugs shoulders...).
Jack Risko is and has always been my favorite blogger. First stop in the morning, then I work my way down the blog roll. That is how I found Maggie's Farm, by the way.
I have been visiting Dinocrat for years. I believe I arrived there by way of American Thinker.
It surprises me to think it never occurred to me to check his profile until mentioned here at MF. The" hundreds of whale sharks off the Mexican coast" were probably lured there by the hundreds of dead bodies dumped by the Mexican drug cartel killers. Mexico is so out of control that it is pitiful, and very nervous-making for those of us Texans who share a border with that sad country.
Sharks are often called "the vacuum cleaners of the sea" by some scientists because they eat the carrion, as vultures do on land. It's an icky idea, but someone's got to do it. Marianne But whale sharks are not flesh eaters. They sift plankton and smaller fish eggs. Whale sharks are regular features in that part of the world.
You gotta start spelling Alison's last name correctly, sir! Krauss.
Tracked: Jul 24, 09:25
Tracked: Jul 24, 10:00
Tracked: Jul 24, 10:00