If you want to understand the “right of return” issue, read this to know its genesis. The early, narrow work by historian Benny Morris is often cited by pro-Palestinians, ignoring his fuller following work. In this piece, Morris shows how the pro-Palestinians also ignore the first half of the 1947-8 “civil war,” facts being inconvenient to their narrative.
And, the facts on the most humanitarian asymmetric war, according to UN
Addictions? Or excuses? As George Carlin said, mother’s milk leads to marijuana.
AmsterDAMN: Netherlands to close cannabis coffee shops to tourists
Here, bill to give bank loans to marijuana sellers

The running out of resources myth
Ads: “We steal our stories from everywhere. Marketers, it turns out, are just really good at giving us stories we want to steal.”
Log Cabin: Sounding Increasingly Republican
RAPES: When Vaseline isn’t enough
The Religion of Rape
The Party of Rape
The House of Rape
The Price of Rape
The Media Rape
The Earthshaking Rape
The Friends Rape
The Academic Rape
The Speech Rape
The Congressional Rape
The Healthcare Rape
The Economy Rape
The Gay Meme Rape
The Commons Rape
The Israel Rape
The T-Shirt Rape
And, for some variety: The Greeking of Germany
The above Rapes gang-bang just took a few minutes to gather. Perverted politics.
“Real leadership is rare,” says retiring Sec. Of Defense Robert Gates, who served under 8 Presidents, at the US Naval Academy graduation:
Gates told graduates that great leaders have some of the same qualities: conviction, self-confidence, moral courage, integrity and common decency.
“Above all, remember that the true measure of leadership is not how you react in times of peace or times without peril,” Gates said. “The true measure of leadership is how you react when the wind leaves your sails, when the tide turns against you.”
Tracked: May 29, 09:33