Top Democrat drives car named Hypocrisy
Springtime for Hamastan: “no one seems terribly interested in promoting Palestinian democracy.”
U.S. Aid to Arab Spring Must Go to Democracy Groups Not to Islamists
Children Are The Future:
At constant fertility, Israel will have more young people by the end of this century than either Turkey or Iran, and more than German, Italy or Spain….The right way to read this projection is backwards: Israelis love children and have lots of them because they are happy, optimistic and prosperous….Europeans, Turks and Iranians, by contrast, have very few children because they are grumpy, alienated and pessimistic….

Israeli songs become anthems for Syrian and Libyan rebels
Memorial Day suggestions
A new survey commissioned by the National World War II Museum in New Orleans found that 80% of respondents were found to have "little" or only "some" knowledge of the military holiday while just 20% of respondents claim to be "very familiar" with the day and its purpose.
No Democrat votes for any budget proposal -- Why Dems don’t want to present a budget: “The Peterson Foundation's Solutions Initiative brought together six think tanks -- two conservative, two liberal and two centrist -- and challenged each to present a detailed plan to solve our fiscal crisis-in-waiting, using the same uniform assumptions.” Read on
Before 1700s, dogs were considered vicious and disease-ridden

Since, they are our best friend. 1870 Eulogy to a Dog:
"Gentlemen of the jury, a man's dog stands by him in prosperity and poverty, in health and sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow, and the snow drives fiercely, if only he can be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer; he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounter with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens."

Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Law on Hiring Illegal Immigrants: “The decision did not involve an even more controversial immigration measure passed by Arizona lawmakers. That measure requiring police to check the immigration status of individuals in certain circumstances remains under separate legal challenge, and could likewise eventually reach the Supreme Court.”
China drives the price of commodities and inflation waits in the wings
Iranian Tools of Oppression and the Companies that Provide Them
Clinton Worries Dems Won’t Fix Medicare ; Dems worry that Reps will, and Dems will have to demagogue something else
Flood Insurance Rates Far Too Low to Cover Risks
Mom, God, and the Heartland Win ‘American Idol’
Obama Wisely Rejects British Scientific Society's Medal For... Conspicuous Merit In Breathing Successfully

Task force blasts DOD for mishandling intelligence operations: ““What we were so shocked by was the number of people inside the Pentagon at very senior reaches that didn’t understand any of this,” “
Obama coming for our guns -- So, Marines go for their bayonets
The European Media Obsession with Israel:
The latest report by media watchdog group Just Journalism compared the coverage of Israel to the coverage of the “Arab spring” countries—Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia—during 2010. The group found that the attention given to the Arab spring countries (before the uprisings) was almost nonexistent….Israel was scapegoated as the root of Middle East unrest for years, while the oppression and corruption throughout the Arab world were largely ignored.