Truth Matters: “there may be no liberal media watchdog that is less tolerant and more toxic than Media Matters.”

President Obama’s vision: “What Mr. Obama offered is a formula for war”
The Palestinian perspective
Why New York's future is fleeing -- Actually, its future has been fleeing since the ‘60s and ‘70s. When I left, NYC was THE only crazy city to live, as sanity was sought elsewhere. The infection has spread to most other cities. Many of the NYC emigres carried it, along with their liberal politics.
Playwright Mamet reviews his life and conversion:
we were the culmination of history, superior to all those misguided who had come before, which is to say all humanity.
The Importance of Military Chaplains -- Chaplains: Gay Ban Repeal May Quell Free Speech -- Fixing an Arlington oversight
Newspeak: Democrat judges may re-word ObamaCare mandate with other word, to uphold it – For those who don’t know Newspeak -- Remember, elections shape the bench.
1970s actions on prisons come back around to bite Gov. Brown (and taxpayers)
The Dems' 'breathtaking' refusal to pass a budget: “The most amazing thing about all this, to Republicans, is that Reid’s abdication of responsibility has attracted so little attention. In a country drowning in debt, where’s the outrage?” – Senate Democrats: Bujeets! We don’t need no steenken bujeets
The Keynesian end point -- The truth? "QE2 has created a massive new bubble in dollar-based financial assets, from stocks to gold. Meanwhile, it has had zero visible effect on the real economy."
Collaboration and Social Tools Drain Business Productivity

How the Left Went Wrong on Islam: “The Soviet Union had tried to turn Muslim identity into a Communist identity. And that effort failed badly. The Communists remained infidels. Now we are trying to turn Muslim identity into a Democratic identity, and failing just as miserably.”
Prediction: In September, President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy blows up in his (and our) face(s). It’s totally obvious and yet no one is focusing on it.
I’m not referring to the Palestinian Authority’s bid for unilateral independence at the UN. I’m referring to the Egyptian parliamentary election.
It is totally obvious that in that election Egypt will elect a radical, anti-American, hate-Israel parliament which will then write the country’s new constitution….
On the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the United States will be watching the triumph of the ideology and movement--not Usama bin Ladin, of course, but his smarter counterparts--in much of the Middle East.
PS: Here's an excellent guide to Egypt's political parties so far which proves my point . Note that there isn't a single serious moderate party. Amr Mousa isn't forming a party while Muhammad ElBaradei, Obama's favorite, isn't doing anything but complain. There is a "Facebook party." So far it has 1000 "likes." Egypt has about 85 million people.
Chart of 39 terror plots foiled in US since 9/11
Porn found on bin Laden’s computer:

Bipartisan foreign policy: “House lawmakers from both parties are siding with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over President Obama in their differing approaches to the Israel-Palestine border dispute.” – Plus, Netanyahu gets more standing ovations than Obama, and without a teleprompter Netanyahu actually connects with authenticity.