If you've been away, scroll down and catch up on tons of our cool posts from the weekend.
Return of Central Park horseback riding
Law firms - A less gilded future
For The High-Tech Naturalist: LeafSnap Identifies Leaves Using Your iPhone’s Camera
There's an app for that, Dr. Merc
Conflict history: Browse the timeline of war and conflict across the globe
The Photopic Sky Survey is an interactive 5000 megapixel photograph of the entire night sky stitched together from 37,000+ photos. A beautiful example of data aggregation, annotation, and exploration.
For the young, there’s a silver lining in the housing bust
Government documents: 1929-45
From a member of the elite force, an inside look at the brutal training and secret work of the commandos who got Osama bin Laden.
When media "balance" is considered unfair
More newsy links later today...
Tracked: May 10, 09:16