I thought one of the most interesting articles to drift through recently was California Prison Academy: Better Than a Harvard Degree. Give it a spin.
What made it particularly intriguing is that you know the author wanted to put a negative slant on it, i.e., the lavish benefits and pensions the guards receive are further proof of this once great state's demise — but she just couldn't. The numbers were simply overwhelming. The only logical summation one can arrive at upon finishing it is that only a moron would go to an Ivy League school, or even college in general.
Why bother going through all that, when you can expend a tenth the effort and end up in a cushier position when you retire at an earlier age?
But wait.
Before you send your boss that angry "I QUIT, ASSBITE!" email and head for the nearest California Prison Guard Academy, let me toss out another golden opportunity (they don't call it the 'Golden State' for nuthin') that you might find even more attractive. We'll use a photographic display to help you decide.
The scenario:
You're at your job, tending to people's needs, when suddenly you're confronted with one of your young charges in distress.
Of the following two choices, please pick the person in distress that you'd most like to see before you:

If you chose 'B', be sure to check out this amazing job opportunity!
Oh, to be young again!
Tracked: May 10, 10:25