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Wednesday, May 4. 2011Weds. morning links
Who shot Bin Laden? Autism: Faciliated Communications update (h/t, Dr X) Is there anything government doesn't want to control? Canada update: Upset of the year. Details here Hope they get rid of their ridiculous long gun registry Is there an app for self-control? Al Gore Tells Time Magazine Global Warming Skeptics Just As Dim As Birthers We are dim, Al. We pray for global warming, too, just as you seem to, but we do not expect it 70 hot virgins could help with that White House Insider: Panetta issued orders while Obama dithered. A quote:
Sounds like the grown-ups took over. I wonder whether that report is accurate Comments
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The WH Insider report makes it sound as if like Valerie Jarret's influence is beginning to be marginalized by those surrounding Obama. This is a good thing. I've long considered her, a close and long-time family friend to Bill Ayers, the most dangerous element within this administration, and the one who has Obama on the shortest leash. If this report is true, I hope it gets a full airing.
I didn't realize that Valerie and Billy Boy/Bernie were friends, but that is not a surprise. An interesting "coincidence" is that Vernon Jarrett, Valerie Jarrett's ex father in law, was involved with Frank Marshall Davis in various Commie front organizations in Chicago back in the 1940s.
Frank Marshall Davis is later involved with Barack Obama when Obama was a child. Then Barack Obama ends up in Chicago. Coincidence? Yes, Vernon Jarrett was the one left behind to face the heat when pornographer/pedohile/poet/Commie FM Davis fled Chicago for Hawaii. They both wrote for the communist paper The Chicago Defender.
My understanding is that Valerie Jarret's mother ran the Erickson Institute, some kind of progressive education group, on whose Board of Directors sat Tom Ayers, Bombin' Billy's dad, who, in addition to being CEO of Commonwealth Edison was very liberal for an executive of his day. As any good father would he, financed his son's years underground. Seems The Loop is more than a series of streets in Chicago... Family reunions must be a hoot! Pardon me, but who is "Socyberty" whom I never heard of before?
Look at the picture in the situation room. Does the tiny, nervous little man in the back corner, hunched over, almost biting his fingernails, look like the one giving the commands?
First thing I noticed! Looked like a little kid next to the others. . .
It looks like those critical of O concerning missteps in the OBL mission have been too quick. He doesn't seem to have been in the loop at all!
So I guess it is Panetta, we ought to criticize for killing and not capturing him, but then Panetta may have been smarter than that. Maybe he knew that it would have been a bigger problem trying to figure out what to do with him if he were captured since O had eliminated (or tried to) so many reasonable options. ....and when Bush was discredited with being a figurehead removed from actual decisions, how did you righties feel about that?
Was he? It seemed like EVERYTHING was his fault - or Dick Chaney's.
Nancy Pelosi blamed the price of gasoline on the "oil men" in the Whitehouse. Rosie O'dufus (along with O's earlier green jobs czar, Van Jones) blamed 9/11 on Bush. The housing crash was blamed on Bush even though he tried to reform Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae - but failed because of opposition from Democrats, especially Barney Frank who argued that they were in great shape! To quote Zell Miller, "I could go own and own..." No matter how you look at it, it takes more balls to risk two helicopters full of Seals and one’s presidential reputation, then it does one Stealth aircraft full of bombs. Obama himself had to make that call. Personally, I would’ve taken Osama alive. But the information gotten from the hard/thumb drives and prevention of ransom operations may prove to be superior. Speculation on hearsay is as silly as birtherism... or Bush=Hitler-ism for that matter.
I don't know if the "Whitehouse insider" is being truthful when he says that Panetta actually made the call - not O. The picture showing O NOT sitting at the table in the picture suggests that he walked in after everything had already begun. To my eyes, he looks like the kid they allowed to sit near the grownup table. If the "insider" is correct and truthful, then O did not order the hit. It is plausible that there is just as much speculation about whether O made the call or not.
If he did, then he deserves credit for taking the political risk and the tactical success (the SEALS obviously deserve the credit for the success of the mission). As you say, speculation on hearsay is silly. So, where are the Congressionally mandated tape recordings and transcripts of the conversations in all those meetings about the mission that involved the President and were official business? Those conversations are required by law to be recorded or transcribed and then turned over to the National Archive. Unfortunately for historians and those of us who are curious to know how the debate over the mission went down, they won't be released for many years---if they exist at all, that is. If they don't exist, then someone in the White House broke the law (as the Democrats used to regularly remind George Bush). Then again, maybe like the famous Beer Summit, maybe all the strategic meetings took place on the White House lawn out of earshot of the Oval Office taping system. That's one way to keep a secret from Congress. The ubiquitous White House photographer might know the details, but he's not going to snitch, and the ever present Secret Service is not going to say anything since these days they seem to be working with the President to hide the real White House visitor logs from the public.
I should also have added to my previous comment that we can expect some Presidential myth making to start almost immediately. The killing of bin Laden is likely to become the cornerstone of Obama's Presidential legacy, assuming the same historical role as the Cuban missile crisis has played for JFK. The White House will ensure there's a wealth of materials available to future historians that will portray the President in a favorable light. Indeed, if they are not making preparations of this sort, I'd be disappointed in them. Every President--Obama being no exception--wants to have a heroic story that makes him worthy of more than just a tiny footnote in history. The killing of bin Laden will do just fine for establishing Obama's place in history. I think he can retire now.
Tracked: May 04, 09:49