66% off at Sippican Cottage Furniture
Muslim Brotherhood Urges Protests In Syria
A brewing ethical brouhaha at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel illustrates the hazards of politicized science reporting.
How the journalist prom got out of control
The Obama Lie That Drove the Birther Movement
ThinkProgress: Storm victims kind of had it coming, didn’t they?
Chris Matthews and Clarence Page: Trump Must Be Talking About Bush When He Says "How Did He Get Into a Good School" (Chuckle, Chuckle)
Chris Matthews Ten Minutes Later: No One Would Ever Question the Academic Chops of a White President!
Personal Responsibility is the GOP's Winning Issue For 2012
Nothing less than a complete redefinition of the role of government away from the nanny state trend and back to a renewed era of personal responsibility is needed.
Mead on the O Admin: Falling between two stools:
This repeated lunge for the sour spot — the place where costs are high and benefits are low — now seems to be a trademark of the President’s decision-making style. On the left it is earning him Carter comparisons from people like Eric Alterman; on the right it means that despite his compromises and yielding of significant ground he continues to feed the incandescent hostility of his bitterest foes. Worst of all, it suggests to people abroad and at home that the way to manipulate this “split the difference”, consensus-seeking President is to raise your demands. If you are going to get something like 50 percent of what you ask for, ask for twice as much as you really want. And with this Presidential style, the squeaking wheel gets the grease. Not surprisingly, all the wheels have begun to squeak.
Here is the paradox we face: The President is a consensus-seeker whose decision making style rewards polarization and a conciliator who loses friends without winning over enemies.
Tracked: May 01, 09:29