From a choice of offers, the lad has accepted a new interesting "opportunity" (as jobs are termed, these days) in NYC.
Now I will have two kids working there, plus one beloved daughter-in-law. It's all good.
I tend to think that all ambitious young folks need to do some time in the Big City, whatever their field, if only to find out what high energy and high demands and sharp elbows really mean. I did, and it didn't hurt me none. Well, maybe a few narcissistic scars, but that's good for one's character. If you haven't been introduced to your flaws, weaknesses, and deficiencies yet, NY will happily introduce you to them - and tax the heck out of you for the privilege. I think it's worth it. At least for a while.
Pic is Manhattan from the Whitestone Bridge at dawn, on my way to some airport