Let's start the day with an eye-opener that started many men's days, they wished. RIP Jane Russell.

WSJ review of Bing West’s latest book: In Afghanistan With Our Warrior Elite
Bruce McQuain obliterates false psy-oper with facts, deracinating the self-promoting fraud who was heralded by Rolling Stone and other lib media
Arab psyops against the West:
Perhaps it’s also time to dispense with the idea that European education gives the progeny of Arab autocrats — be they Saif Qaddafi or Bashar al-Assad — liberalism. Rather, it gives them Western style and skills necessary to better deceive Western audiences.
Lessons for Obama:
•Evil exists.
•There is nothing sophisticated about moral equivalence.
•Engagement does not change dictators; regime change does.
•Think twice before apologizing for America, because you look foolish when those you are apologizing to are guilty of far more than the university-club cocktail circuit can imagine.
•What Arab autocrats (and their sons) say behind closed doors is irrelevant; what they say to their own people is what we should judge them by.

Strangers No More wins Oscar:
Strangers No More tells the tale of children from 48 different countries who attend the Bialik-Rogozin School in south Tel Aviv. Many of the students have escaped genocide, war and hunger to arrive in Israel at a school where "no child is a stranger."
Der Spiegel reports Erdogan Urges Turks Not to Assimilate:'You Are Part of Germany, But Also Part of Our Great Turkey': “It was a speech that did nothing to reinforce any feeling of belonging to Germany -- Erdogan steadfastly appealed to the Turkish national pride of people who have been at home in Germany for four generations.” – Also, a leading Turkish newspaper reports why Turkey opposed sanctions on Libya: ““The business lobby’s concerns have prevailed in determining the Turkish position. The Turkish businesses fear their lucrative contracts with the Gadhafi administration may turn into valueless pieces of paper if or when Gadhafi leaves.””
Scotland Study says green sector costs more jobs than it creates

Obama's green subsidies attract do-gooder bandits
“As bad luck would have it, oil comes mainly from an area that is as stable as a prison riot.” May We Drill Now, Please?
UN praises Libyan human rights!
Ted Kennedy, the early years: “What part of an assistant DA’s job requires a tour of Latin America, let alone brothels and interviews with “angry young men” of the Left?”
Erin O’Connor and Maurice Black are research fellows at the American Council of Trustees and Alumni: “Academic freedom belongs to the public — it is not the property of academics. Professors must explain why academic freedom is vital to our democracy — and prove that they deserve it.” Read it all.
Philadephia: How One City’s Maritime History Changed The World

Gov. Walker responds to Pres. Obama:
“I'm sure the President knows that most federal employees do not have collective bargaining for wages and benefits while our plan allows it for base pay. And I'm sure the President knows that the average federal worker pays twice as much for health insurance as what we are asking for in Wisconsin. At least I would hope he knows these facts.”