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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, February 13. 2011Sunday morning linksThis is silly: Does Liking Rap Music Make You Stupid? Wow — Government Overreach of the Week Guess I'd better sell my pied a terre before they catch me. More Mitch. "The charisma of competence." Megan: Doing Business In Iraq Betsy: Why unions can't get "More" More shrubberies! "More" is their job, for heaven's sake - even if it's "more" from their neighbor. Powerline: Scientists Set the Alarmists Straight Is Al Gore wrong on the environment? IPCC says global warming is NOT to blame for snow Al is confused about the "science." But that is not news. He is not a scientist: he is a Vandy divinity school drop-out. Boudreaux wonders about this: Peggy Yen insists that “people need simple guidelines for choosing the food they eat” It's a wonder we can feed ourselves, or even survive, without that wise government advice. High-speed rail: Obama's gift that nobody wants Trackbacks
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Satoshi Kanazawa postulates the following: ...more intelligent individuals are more likely to acquire and espouse evolutionarily novel values and preferences than less intelligent individuals". He goes on to posit that primitive music was largely vocal and instrumental music was largely novel - thus more intelligent individuals are attracted to instrumental music as a marker in the theory of the evolution of general intelligence.
I wonder how he came up with this idea. It would logically follow that the voice was the first "instrument" - some theories suggest that primitive vocal music was the result of "patterning" - the imitation of natural noise and sounds of game animals. Other theories suggest that the more natural evolution of voice music is the result of mother/child interaction. On the other hand, rhythm instruments can be as simple as hand claps, foot stomps or simple beating on a hollow log and can, with simple adjusting of power or tone, be musically effective. Similarly simple primitive gizmos like Bullroarers or rasps can be amazingly effective instruments. I'm of the opinion that this is a chicken or the egg question. With respect to the original theory about intelligence, this is the same guy who developed the "liberal are smarter than conservatives". I wouldn't put too much credence in it. Liberals are smarter than Conservatives, Tom. Everybody knows that.
We are proudly stupid knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing clingers here at Maggie's. Heh - yeah, well I can relate to the stupid knuckle dragging, mouth-breathing thing - the Mrs. tells me that all the time.
I guess it's true then because I like it here. :>) With respect to the original theory about intelligence, this is the same guy who developed the "liberal are smarter than conservatives". I wouldn't put too much credence in it.
Agreed one shouldn't put much credence to his music theory. It would be more accurate to say he "further developed the 'liberal are smarter than conservatives' " theory. He was just following a narrative that has been around since at least the days of Adlai Stevenson II. During his 1956 presidential campaign, a woman called out to Mr. Stevenson "Senator, you have the vote of every thinking person!" Stevenson called back "That's not enough, madam, we need a majority!" One ironic implication of this this "study" is that proponents of rap music are not brighter than the average bear. Who are the biggest fans of rap music? People under 30 and blacks, both core constituencies of the Democrats. Which is evidence the libs won/'t push this study much. I rather like choral music, myself. One could do a comparison of the general population to those who purchase season tickets for the symphony. The conclusion would be that those who purchase season tickets for the symphony are brighter, better educated, et al. But what groundbreaking information have we discovered here? Nada. Zilch. Nothing. Perhaps one should do a study comparing the general population with that of "social scientists" regarding the ability to accurately discern reality. It is no accident that one town that was blessed with being the object of a sociological treatise responded by including a manure spreader in the Fourth of July parade with an effigy of author of the treatise. re: Wow — Government Overreach of the Week
What I sent to the blogfaddah this morning on that very subject: California has done similar for years. Hypothetically. Say you are a commissioned salesperson in a no income tax state (like Texas). Say you earn BIG commissions in the first half of the year but income falls dramatically the second half. Say you earn a paltry $1000 in December, but decide California is where you want to live, so you move to California in December. Then you file your income tax for that year and low and behold, California claims 1/12 of your annual income was earned in California, so you pay income taxes to California OF MORE THAN YOU EARNED IN DECEMBER. Uh-huh. 1993 for me. RE: Peggy Yen insists that “people need simple guidelines for choosing the food they eat”
The problem with Government guidelines is they become government laws with penalties and bureaucracy to ensure enforcement and eventually you have OSHA, the EPA, NTSB, the T&A... TSA, and on. and on. and on. Never let a good suggestion lay fallow without making a regulation out of it. Mitch Daniels!
Wow - first time I've heard him speak. Mitch Daniels Wow! A great, straight-talking speech. More than enough charisma for this voter! “people need simple guidelines for choosing the food they eat”
How simple - and how practical? A recent article in Australia warned that about 20% of children were "overweight or obese," presumably using the BMI figures. Not mentioned is how many were underweight. But a throw-away line needs more attention - only 14% (possibly including some of the overweight) were in compliance with government guidelines. http://www.news.com.au/national/one-in-four-teens-overweight-as-australia-sits-on-health-time-bomb-expert-warns/story-e6frfkvr-1226002498572 "Just 14 per cent of the students were found to meet both the recommended daily intake of vegetables and fruit, while 85 per cent did not engage in enough activity for it to have a health benefit." Yet 80% were not over BMI guideline... If only someone actually knew what a healthy diet was. The government and all of the self appointed food czar organizations have flipflopped their recommendations over the years so many times I'm not sure they even know what, exactly, is healthy and what is not. When you factor in the simple truth that we are all different, i.e. eating lots of salt may not cause me any harm at all but for someone else it could cause high blood pressure, then you recognize the problem with any guidelines for everyone. Lets be honest; most so called guidelines for healthy eating simply reflect the author's bias and not science. Vegetarians think we should cut back red meat with the eventuial gaol being to cut out meat entirely. Health food nuts think vitamins and supplements will make you live forever. New age people want you to eat sprouts and get wheat grass enemas. Everyone thinks we should cut out fat but grudgingly admit that our bodies are intended to eat about 30% of our calories from fat. Some bigots swear transfats will kill you but back in the 50's the government convinced us all that margerine was better for us then butter so we have all been eating transfats by the tubful for 60 years and ourt life expectancies have nearly doubled. I understand some extremist have even banned fruit juices from schools because fruits have sugar in them. But they seem blissfully unaware that our body runs on sugar (glucose) and that our body turns all carbohydrates including the sugar in fruits into glucose.
One last point: The food nuts like to point out that according to the BMI over 20% of children are obese. But obviously that means about 80% are not! And our children all eat the same crap so what does it all mean? Not to mention that the BMI was an arbitrary measure and tends to label shorter people obese and taller people skinny without regard to whether they are or are not. The bottom line is self-limited diets are more harmful for you then typical American diets are. Be very careful about embarking on some fad diet or eliminating esssential nutrients and minerals from your diet. Recent studies have shown that limiting salt is more harmful then too much salt. Also remember that whatever the guidelines are today they will be different next year when a new group of food bigots are self-appointed to tell you how to live your life. On unions getting more.
The post is very good but misses one alternative point. Unions do not need to get more as in wages and benefits they also could get more as in power within the company. Logically the unions should press for wages and benefits until those are at market costs. Then the unions should press for real power within the company. But the union management understands this would create workers who do not need union management or union bargaining power. After all why would you need a power broker to negotiate with yourself? As a result unions have over bid the wages and benefits and are only nominally useful in the private sector. They have so over bid the wages and benefits in the public sector they will likely cause the public to illegalize strikes as against the public interest. The end is in sight. Looks like Obama wants to double down on passenger rail service. They believe high speed trains will attract customers that shun AMTRAK. Just remember that AMTRAK was supposed to be a temporary program untill it could become self supporting. It never has and remains a sink hole for taxpayer money. The next great idea will be high speed stage coaches.
Re Al Gore: Gore's education had nothing to do with science; his environmental guru is one Amy Kreider, a 1992 grad from Rollins College who has done what passes for research to back up his statements on the topic. The mystery is why anyone pays attention to Gore at all.
Claritas ... You're right that Al Gore's education had nothing to do with science. An article on the Internet a year or two ago stated that in the required science course he had to take to graduate from Yale, he earned a grade of C or C minus.
In a TV interview with his wife Tipper the year he lost the election, she said that he went down into the basement and dug around in his old term papers to find something to comfort him, and that's when he emerged with the idea of the dangers of global warming to the future of the planet. As far as the so-called scientific support for the global warming theory, scientists are probably as venal as the rest of us, and a monetary grant of support for one's research is pretty attractive. At any rate "the science" is not settled, as the warmenists claim. Science is never "settled", as Einstein would tell you if he were still alive. That's the fun of it. New discoveries are out there waiting to be found. Marianne Meself rarely disagrees with George Will and can't deny Mitch has some charisma of competence.
However, his CPAC speech doesn't rise to competence. He failed to mention the menace of unfunded government employee pensions. |