That's us and our proud staff. As Sipp would say, we are out standing in our field.
Point is, if you like our site, please let your friends, colleagues, neighbors, relatives, and enemies know about our eclectic (our euphemism for unfocused, random, shapeless) site.
How many sites have Assyrian carvings, Snow Geese pics from a goose blind, sauce recipes, Bible verse, Petrarch, Brooklyn College, The Grateful Dead, and political slapstick on the same front page at one time? Who can predict what you'll find here?
So show us the love. And if you have a site, and like us but rarely link us, let your readers know that we exist.
If our readership (much as we love our current readers) doesn't continue to grow steadily as it has thus far, we will move to Canada kill this cute puppy jump off a bridge quit taking our ADD medications be tempted to retire from this not-very-lucrative, if somewhat enjoyable and educational, endeavor.
Idle threat? God knows. We make this pathetic appeal twice yearly. There remain many billions of humans who haven't seen us yet, and, while we seem not to meet a mass market taste, I am certain that our market is not yet fully "exploited," as the marketing experts would say.
In the meantime, we Farmers will just...
Thanks in advance, friends, from your Editor in Chief, Bird Dog: