WSJ: Most of the universe is made up of dark energy and dark matter, neither of which is fully understood or explained by current models and theories. In "The 4% Universe," Richard Panek describes the investigations of scientists.
Are people bypassing the movie critics?
Mankiw: The Half-Full Glass of Economic Mobility
Prelutsky: Too Bad Obama Is Only Half-White
Who is Florida Judge Roger Vinson?
Powerline: Proof the Admin doesn't think much of Obamacare
Shrinkwrapped: Psychiatry and Organized Medicine in the Special Interest State
Rubin Report: Egypt's Revolt - The economic dimension
Navy Times: Disgraced CO Honors now firing back
Good Maggie's-type stuff at Am Thinker:
Personally, I'm sick of the government trying to keep me safe and do my thinking for me. I like a little danger and excitement every once in a while to let me know I'm still alive. I want to ignore the label warnings and use a product in a manner inconsistent with the directions. I want to rip the tag off my mattress and ride my bicycle without a helmet. These trifling brushes with danger are made exciting by the fact that the elitist power set have sucked all the fun out of life with their endless rules and regulations.
Down in the South, we're used to doing things considered dangerous by most without giving them much of a thought. People hunt alligators for a living in Louisiana -- not exactly a safe occupation, as you can see on the History Channel. We don't cotton much to outsiders lecturing us on our salt intake or telling us we have to be tolerant of Muslim terrorists. We have bugs and snakes that, far from being cute and cuddly, are dangerous and best killed when encountered. We can't afford useless feel-good pesticides. Louisiana has the best food in the country, so Michelle needs to stay out of New Orleans. We believe in enjoying life because it tends to be hard and too short. We prefer to decide for ourselves rather than have someone decide for us.