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Sunday, January 9. 2011Who to blame? Question asked, question answered
The one big question after yesterday's horrific shooting was whether the mainstream media was going to blame Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, the Tea Party, Bible-thumpin' gun clingers everywhere, or simply Republicans in general. Question asked, question answered.
What went unmentioned during this rampant outbreak of PDS was: — According to the shooter's YouTube profile, two of his favorite books were Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto. Now, maybe I'm just naive, but I doubt Sarah Palin has read either of those. — And did you see the quote from Markos "Kos" Moulitsas up above? What also went unmentioned in the above articles is that Kos had a post up — now removed — referring to Giffords titled "My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!" Giffords, a centrist, voted against Pelosi in the recent Minority Leader race and is hated far more by the hard left for that indiscretion than by Palin & Company simply because she's not a Republican. So, let a Lefty use the word "DEAD" — in all caps, no less — in an article about Giffords and that's perfectly okay, but let a Righty put (gasp!) crosshairs over her congressional district, and you're one step removed from being the next Beltway Sniper. In related news: Bristol Palin Pregnancy: Is Sarah Palin’s 5th Child Really Her Daughter's? Kathy Griffin's Next Target: Willow Palin Bird Dog did a pic dump yesterday, before the shooting, including this gem. Have you ever seen anything more timely?
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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"— According to the shooter's YouTube profile, two of his favorite books were Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto. Now, maybe I'm just naive, but I doubt Sarah Palin has read either of those."
I wouldn't be surprised if Mrs. Palin has read either or both, but they won't be her favourite books. Well, I figure only a serious student of the political sciences would invest that kind of time into such a dehumanizing experience, and Palin's degree was in journalism. But she has an inquisitive mind and might very well have.
I'm surprised Mao's Little Red Book wasn't on the guy's list. Pretty sloppy work, buddy! There is another angle
http://gretawire.blogs.foxnews.com/latest-on-shooting-of-congresswoman-giffords-motivation-anti-semitic-and-she-was-the-target/ It's an interesting point, and the thought crossed my mind this morning when I read she was the first Jew in that seat, but the shooting pattern doesn't fit the scenario. When one person's the target, you aim the gun at them and keep pulling the trigger. You don't assume you killed them with the first shot and then go shooting wildly into the crowd. The pattern he exhibited was more like, "Let's take down the whole government! The revolution starts here!"
Ten bucks says he ends up being roommates with Mark David Chapman. Dr. Merc ... I would rather that he end up in prison with a 400-pound biker-bully named Bruce as a roommate.
This was a despicable crime and I'm angry, as are many Americans. But what makes me equally angry are the moonbat liberals who are trying to link conservatives, Republicans, Sarah Palin and other grown-ups like ourselves with this shooter's lethal stupidity. It's sad. Some folks grow old without ever growing up. And they drag down innocent people along with themselves. Marianne "This was a despicable crime and I'm angry, as are many Americans. But what makes me equally angry are the moonbat liberals who are trying to link conservatives, Republicans, Sarah Palin and other grown-ups like ourselves with this shooter's lethal stupidity."
But everyone knows only you crazy Yank rightwingers are all full of gun and violence rhetoric?! Oh, wait... "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl." - Barack Obama 13 June 2008 And now we get to see whether the press has completely discredited itself or only partially done so. How many (of those who still watch the MSM) will follow the path they're being herded along toward blaming this on tea partiers? Or will circulation drop even further?
Palin killed these people. Or maybe Bush, Or Rumsfeld. What could be more obvious?
The press is now showing signs of full left wing derangement. I suspect most of the public will recognize the fact that Mama Grizzly up in Wasilla had nothing to do with this crime spree. Maybe this will be one more nail in the LSM coffin.
Global Warming is to blame.
Seriously. the guy was a whack job and probably schizophrenic - he's at the right age for it to start to show up. I really hope Ms. Gifford pulls through and those wounded with her. The dead are mourned as tragic deaths. Absolutely to the point is this, from politico.com (via Gateway Pundit:)
One veteran Democratic operative, who blames overheated rhetoric for the shooting, said President Barack Obama should carefully but forcefully do what his predecessor (Clinton) did. “They need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers,” said the Democrat. “Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City bombing on the militia and anti-government people.” Another Democratic strategist said the similarity is that Tucson and Oklahoma City both “take place in a climate of bitter and virulent rhetoric against the government and Democrats.” This Democrat said that the time had come to insist that Republicans stand up when, for example, a figure such as Fox News commentator Glenn Beck says something incendiary. Whoda thunkit? Y'all are inspecting lots of trees; anyone see a forest around here? The army rejected this guy, the local college did the same, the local cops had him on their books, yet he dropped in to a gun shop and bought the necessaries to do major mayhem. IF a real background check had been done, he would have been hard pressed to buy a water pistol. The way I see it, political correctness has spawned regs and rules that hamstring any chance of really protecting society from dangerous misfits like this. Our culture is simultaneously toxic and pathologically over-permissive.
More rumours
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread648766/pg2 Congresswoman Gifford's YouTube Channel subscribed to her assailant's channel., page 2 Pages: > ATS Members have flagged this thread 85 times reply posted on 9-1-2011 @ 01:09 PM by vermonster Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' official YouTube account is subscribed to her suspected shooter's, though it's unclear when this occurred, who did the subscribing, or why. tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com... reply posted on 9-1-2011 @ 01:10 PM by Stormdancer777 reply to post by Hendrix92TheUniverse Yes she did know him personally. To the point:
Two contrasting articles by Michael Tomasky on spree killers http://samizdata.net/blog/ And of course, it's only the Rep-wing that posts maps with "target" images...
Check out the Dem-wing maps found here: http://www.verumserum.com/?p=20406 Want to bet how quickly those sites are scrubbed as well? Equating bulleyes (used in darts, archery) and targeting of states based on their recent political history with crosshairs over a specific named person's congressional district is disingenuous at best, perhaps even dishonest. Warlike imagery and phrasing is used in business and political strategy all the time but the "reload" verbiage or referring to "removing" people with that kind of imagery is taking it a bit far.
And I think the fact that the website that contained the crosshairs image was taken offline that morning and has yet to be restored to public view is all we need to know. Go ahead, see if takebackthe20.com is responding. It's owned by SarahPAC. They knew how their actions would appear and rather than defend them, they shoved it all into the Memory Hole, a la Mr Blair's little book, 1984. |
A quick channel flip before the Jets - Indy game found the MSNBC clown show blaming Sarah Palin for the tragedy. Sadly they weren't the only ones. Not by a country mile. The same media which urged restraint after the Fort Hood shooting was galloping headfirst into an indictment of their favorite bogeymen.
Tracked: Jan 09, 12:19