Barack Obama - Either Doing His Best In One of The Most Difficult Times In American History, Or Hitler
Everything about Bedbugs
Maine Family Robinson: It's Time To Be Interested In Houses Again:
I dare you to go to the library and read House Beautiful from 2000. You won’t even be able to stand looking at the typefaces on the pages, never mind the pictures of the houses. It is unwise to set fads into mortar.
How can there be a right to health?
Health? No. In fact, terminal disease is our definite fate - barring horrible accident.
Via Ace's The Illusion of the "Professional" Class and the Rise of the Liberal Aristocracy:
I've long believed that a key failure of modern society is the widespread disdain for honest labor. There should be no shame in doing a "regular" job and doing it well. However, among many there is the assumption that any person who doesn't work in data or abstractions is a dullard.
Ten dumbest tech predictions
Dr. Helen: "Pretty sad when something all teen males fantasize about happening to them is considered a crime."
Via Insty:
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The New Sophists. “In 2009, brilliant economists in the Obama administration — Peter Orszag, Larry Summers and Christina Romer — assured us that record trillion-plus budget defects were critical to prevent stalled growth and 10 percent unemployment. For nearly two years we have experienced both, but now with an addition $3 trillion in national debt. All three have quietly either returned to academia or Wall Street. . . . The public might have better believed the deficit nostrums of former budget director Peter Orszag had he not retired after less than two years on the job to position himself for a multimillion-dollar billet at Citigroup — itself a recent recipient of some $25 billion in government bailout funds. Are we to wonder why an angry, grassroots tea party movement spread — or why it was instantly derided by our experts and technocrats as ill-informed or worse?”
AVI has a comment for some of our commenters
Rubin: What would it cost to repeal ObamaCare?
Tanner: What Republicans Can -- And Can't -- Do about ObamaCare
O'Rourke on "Gimme rights" and "Get out of here" rights
Bob Parks: The New York Times: Three-Fifths Of A Newspaper
Bookworm: Reading the Constitution in Congress
Two books I want to re-link:
Vedder's Going Broke by Degree: Why College Costs Too Much
Minogue's The Servile Mind: How Democracy Erodes the Moral Life
Art above by our friend Elissa Gore