I'm not shopping for anything this weekend. I do not shop - crass materialism is against my religion although I confess enjoying getting stuff from other people. Are you shopping? If you are, here's The Techno-Holiday Shopping Guide (Pic above of American Shopping Eagle via Vanderleun from Kaching.)
Tolkien's anarcho-monarchistic politics
Maine Family Robinson: If you want to see a well-off person splutter, make them pay a plumber.
The government should pay my plumber. And my lawyer. And my doctor.
MEP Euroskeptic Nigel Farage: "Just who the hell do you think you are?"
He is one of the good guys.
About those dumb white guys: Advertising's Hidden Second Message
We middle-aged working white guys are misunderestimated, even if we aren't cool. Cool is for pre-teens. Manliness and Womanliness are for adults. Many of us are stuck somewhere in between.
We need more food inspections?
Next thing, they'll have unionized TSA-type guys feeling up my tomato plants, reaching in under the leaves.
At The American, The Protected Class:
Every worker will be asked to make sacrifices as governments put their fiscal houses in order. Private-sector workers should be confident they are treated the same as public-sector workers.
Lucianne termed it "Momma Griz goes THWAP!"
I think it was a mistake from the start. Just another jobs program.
Unless to hang him? Yeah, that must be why.
Give Maggie's Farm half of Daily Kos' readership, for equality's sake. On second thought...maybe they would be an annoyance.
Tax revenues as a share of GDP have averaged just under 19%, whether tax rates are cut or raised. Better to cut rates and get 19% of a larger pie.
Hauser misses the point. The intent is to make you poorer, that's all. Ever see a Lefty worry about debt?
From the number of waivers, it already has.
End the "doc fix" and allow balance-billing.
But that would reduce gummint control of our docs.
Tracked: Nov 30, 09:56