VDH is funny, especially the parts about Warren Buffet - and the North Koreans: Reflections On An Ailing Society
Michelle: The no-grope list. Big Sis is on the list! I am not.
Another once-virtuous non-profit hijacked by moonbats: SPLC Demonizes Supporters of Traditional Marriage
Rick Moran makes sense about AGW. Me? I am not a denier. As I have noted in the past, I am an enthusiastic supporter of global warming in any form and from any cause. Scientists inform us that earthquakes happen when Gaia shivers from cold, and makes volcanoes to warm her toes. I want Gaia to be warm and comfy.
Is this for real? Michaelangelo Hid an Image of the Human Brain on the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
What's wrong with insider trading? h/t, Prof B. I think it should be legal in the US, as it is in many other countries. It adds pricing information to markets rapidly and efficiently. I don't want to hear Kindergarten talk about "not fair." Traders are not in Kindergarten, and they know it. And forget the mythical "little guy." There is no little guy trading stocks, bonds, or commodities and options. If they are, they are amateur gamblers and fools who will rapidly have their ass handed to them, insider trading or not.
Why Israel's airports don't need to touch your junk
Evanston is going to crush those white kids, however they have to do it. I guess they never heard Martin Luther King speak about color-blindness and content of character.
Modern parenting and paranoid parents. Protect the precious ones from all boo-boos and tears.
Ireland: It's the spending, not the taxes
Pierogies for Thanksgiving? We have them with our family on Thanksgiving to remember our Polish and German immigrant ancestors who were smart enough to wait to come here until things were set up a little better than what those crazy Pilgrims found - and we also eat Pierogies because we like them. Delicious.