Get your eggs frozen?
100 leaked body scans (h/t Thompson)
Exhibitionists must love this
The idea that America might inadvertently and incrementally fall into socialism is a great deal closer to the strategies of “actual existing socialists” than textbook definitions of economies nationalized at a single revolutionary blow. The reason Americans don’t understand this is that the universe of post-sixties socialism has remained largely hidden from public view. Yet this is Obama’s world. It’s time we got to know it.
Larry Elder: Clinton, Gore, and Kerry lost the white vote too
Woah!… Soros Group Says Obama Can Use Armed Forces to Push “Progressive” Agenda
Ah, exposing the totalitarism of the Left
Sen. Rockefeller: FCC Should Take FOX News, MSNBC Off Airwaves
Ah, exposing the totalitarism of the Left
Coyote: I am thinking about renaming the Chevy Volt the Chevy Bastiat.
Meet the 'New' Donald Berwick
This guy just can't wait to run your medical care. Yeah, more totalitarianism - for your own good. Isn't it comforting to know that some people know what is best for you?
Marginal Rev: Who again is supposed to cut the rate of growth of Medicare spending?
Condoms in Elementary School
For the pedophiles?
Where are the jobs? See below -