Some climate scientists plan to go full-bore political.
That ain't science. That's politics. Idiots, too: who wouldn't enjoy some balmy weather in hunting season? It's sleeting here, this morning. More:
John Abraham panics, apparently he and the AGU are forming a “Climate rapid response team”
So maybe it's war, not politics.
Luntz: Republicans won the midterm elections. Now can they survive?
Doubt it. They're the Stupid Party.
Let Them Eat Biofuels: Enviros Largely Responsible for Worldwide Food Price Increases
Kill people. Gaia likes that. Gaia likes dead people.
Germany attacks US economic policy
Federal Government Fights Obesity, Pushes Cheese
That would be Government Cheese, I believe. I prefer the imported black market unpasteurized stuff, and not in moderation either.
That is very Progressive and Advanced. Moynihan was just too uptight and bourgeois.
Jacobson: Jewish voting is irrational.
No, it's Progressive and Advanced.
Matthews: Obama’s Travel Expense Questioned Because Of His Race
Obviously. They never would have questioned it with Bush...
The man who saved the whales. h/t, Coyote
Hint: It wasn't Jacques Cousteau. He just annoyed them.
CHANGE: Janet Daley: The West is turning against big government – but what comes next? “So a generation after the collapse of totalitarian socialism, its democratic form is finally crumbling as well. And, oddly enough, the latter may take longer than the former to unravel.”
Via a Vanderleun post:
Tracked: Nov 08, 14:04