Image above stolen from Surber
Fred Barnes: The Republican Landslide
Wehner: Obama after the fall
China's Christians: China could not silence 200 empty chairs in Capetown
Summary of governor's races.
CT's Tom Foley lost, by a Bridgeport.
Some Liberals Still Head Over Heels In Love With Obama
Being in love with a politician is a perversion.
Krauthammer: 'Obama Agenda is Dead,' 'He Tried a 2-Year Experiment in Hyper-Liberalism and the Country Has said No'. (Here's the good video)
Powerline: The trouble with California
More attacks in Bagdad: Sunni vs. Shiite
Yes, they are mad about Gitmo and American Imperialism. Gotta bomb somebody, for Pete's sake, or your life will have no meaning.
Michelle: Moonbeam wins weirdest victory speech award
Sure sounds stoned. California is in good hands.
The Wrong Sort of Scepticism is a Crime against Humanity Says Penn State Prof
Sheesh. I'm a criminal against humanity. Shame on me.