Brodsky: An endless string of broken promises
Yes, lots of 'em. Let's begin with "post-racial" and "post-partisan."
Islamic Jihad leader: Israel must be wiped out of existence
Organizers say up to 100,000 people attend largest Islamic Jihad rally in Gaza in several years; Hamas leader calls for unity against Israel.
Gardiner on Krugman's piece:
Not only is Krugman’s article one of the most ridiculous pieces of scare-mongering in the history of modern American journalism, but it is the pathetic whimper of a decaying liberal Ancien Regime that is spectacularly crumbling.
TNR: Why John Boehner’s Life Is About To Become a Living Hell
There is truth to this. Every time you shrink government, you gore somebody's ox.
Lowry: Pelosi’s Cannon Fodder
That's what the game is about.
Thornton: What This Election Is About - The free individual versus the overpowering state.
Cushman at Am Thinker:
I think this should be the slogan that the Republicans run on: "Your life belongs to you, not to the government.
Washington Times:
Rather than paring down what they owe, millions of consumers have simply stopped paying the bills, forcing banks to write off hundreds of billions of dollars in mortgages and credit card debts as uncollectible.
People aren't paying down their debt: they are running way from it. A bad idea, if yu care about your credit rating.
California: The tax-me-more state
What are they smoking?
The Impact of Government ‘Student Aid’
Duh. It raises prices.
Blue turns to red - good graphs.
PJ O'Rouke on Democratic hate:
Democrats hate Democrats most of all. Witness the policies that Democrats have inflicted on their core constituencies, resulting in vile schools, lawless slums, economic stagnation, and social immobility. Democrats will do anything to make sure that Democratic voters stay helpless and hopeless enough to vote for Democrats.
Whose parties are they?
...the Democrats have the support of more, and more active, billionaires. Of the 20 richest ZIP codes in America, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, 19 gave the bulk of their money to Democrats in the last election, in most cases the vast bulk - 86 percent in 10024 on the Upper West Side. Meanwhile, only 22 percent of non-high-school educated white males are happy with the direction the country is going in. The Democrats' overlap with elites leaves each party with a distinctive liability. The Democrats appear sincerely deluded about whom they actually represent. Democrats - who would have no trouble discerning elite solidarity in the datum that, say, in the 1930s the upper ranks of Britain's media, church, business and political institutions were dominated by Tories - somehow think their own predominance in similar precincts is ... what? Coincidence? Irony?
I agree with Neptunus:
Nancy Pelosi may lose her gavel, and Harry Reid might well lose his Senate seat, but the damage is done: The entitlement state progresses sometimes by fits, and other times by bounds. But the appetite to spend other peoples’ money on well-intentioned schemes is never sated, and the “progress” thus engendered never seems to unwind.
To what pols does the NFL PAC donate?
Barbara Boxer too? Good grief.