Who is giving a million to fight MSNBC?
This is cruel: Maureen Dowd and Revenge of the Homely Redhead
Carpe: The Antidote to Obamacare? Dr. Wal-Mart, Retail Clinics and Strip Mall Medicine Are Booming in U.S.
Does the government have a grudge against salt?
Classical: News Weak says the TEA Party folks have made a fetish out of the Constitution but worse - they get it wrong.
I like the idea of wilderness preservation anywhere -but with allowance for careful oil drilling - and cops, for Pete's sake
The UK: Osborne wields axe
Tyrrell: It is over. He begins:
The Democrats are about to be beaten by something that they do not in their heart of hearts think exists, a huge national majority. At this late hour, with the storm clouds gathering and the livestock getting restless, they see only sunshine. Yes, there is "foreign money" out there. Yes, the media have bungled broadcasting the purity of the Democratic message. And naturally, angry voices can be heard. Yet surely there is no majority gathering to unseat the party of decency and good deeds. Well, there is, and it is nothing like how the Democrats describe it.
That majority is amiable and sensible and believes in limited government. It is convinced that we face a catastrophic budget crisis and that measures must be taken against the spending and on behalf of growth. Furthermore, many of these friendly Americans would be delighted to give our president a ride home if they found him on a street corner, though they would be a lot happier if he did not live at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. They doubt he would ask them in for a drink. After all, to him they do not exist.