A good line: Fiorina Says Boxer 'Too Extreme' for California
Too bad it isn't true.
Why sex in space is a bad idea
Why don't Asians count as racial or ethnic minorities?
I always wonder whether people from Spain count as Hispanics. Also, do Moslems count as minorities? Also, as 1/16th American Indian, am I a minority? (If so, gimme the $ and the freebies.)
The people are scared, explains Obama: Our psycho-babbler-in-chief
The only thing we have to fear is loss of our job itself. And more Dem job-destroying and economy-stifling insanity.
Top 400 Charities See Billions Less in Donations
Debicella now a dead heat in CT-4.
It's time for New England to elect at least one Repub congresscritter.
Rasmussen: McMahon Closes Gap on Blumenthal
Linda Chavez: Obama has no clue about entrepreneurship
Well, he has done a heck of a job getting government to grow
Surber: No, we are not afraid
The Trouble with Manchin
Screaming "Allah Akbar" before you open fire is the confusing part
Washington Reb: Growing Up Conservative
How Long Will MSM Ignore Assault By NY Congressman Maurice Hinchey On Reporter? / Update: Poughkeepsie Journal Scoops NY Times
Leftoid violence does not exist.
NRO: Some Context on the Wilders Case
Related: Wilders Is Right: Europe Needs a First Amendment
Perino asks Why is Maureen Dowd so angry?
Everybody knows the real reason in her case. However, Leftoids to tend to be angry people in general.
Tracked: Oct 18, 09:28