The sinister Chamber of Commerce
NYT: Arizona welcomes immigrants
Kent State: Another listen. What if there was an agent provocateur?
Chilling in Texas: Democrats & Computer Models Claim Texas Is Warming: Real Data Has Texas Cooling Last 15 Years, -2.7°F/Century Trend. h/t, Willisms
Betsy: Gee, has Rory talked to his dad about what's wrong with ObamaCare?
GOP threatens Dem seats thought safe
WH defends Obamacare waivers
US physics professor: 'Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life'. A quote from his letter:
It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.
So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it.
VDH: On looking bad
Black Republicans offer hope after Barack Obama's failures on race
I'm Mr. Blandings. Me, too.
Drowning in Law: A flood of statutes, rules and regulations is killing the American spirit
Via Lucianne, How Obama is invading your home:
The Obama administration isn't satisfied giving the American public vast things we don't want — from stimu lus packages to bailouts to ObamaCare: It's a small-scale nuisance, too — witness its attempt to redesign home appliances. In the pipeline are dumb regulations for almost everything that plugs in or fires up in your home. Just weeks after taking office, the president ordered the Energy Department to speed up the process of issuing harsh new energy-efficiency standards for appliances. Since then, the agency boasts, it "has issued or codified new efficiency standards for more than 20 different products..."
Powerline on Che: Remembering a Sociopathic Mass Murderer
Tracked: Oct 16, 17:03