My a/c is turned off. Who is inspired during these dog days? Let's see...
Slow down and think when you read. Whenever I do that, I fall asleep. It's my ADD.
S'fumato? That's Italian.
Villainous: Narcissism and the Counterfeit Life
Financial "reform" - Yet another exercise in stimulating the Washington, DC economy.
The monotony of the ruling class:
Differences between Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas are of degree, not kind. Moreover, 2009-10 establishment Republicans sought only to modify the government's agenda while showing eagerness to join the Democrats in new grand schemes, if only they were allowed to. Sen. Orrin Hatch continued dreaming of being Ted Kennedy, while Lindsey Graham set aside what is true or false about "global warming" for the sake of getting on the right side of history. No prominent Republican challenged the ruling class's continued claim of superior insight, nor its denigration of the American people as irritable children who must learn their place. The Republican Party did not disparage the ruling class, because most of its officials are or would like to be part of it.
Never has there been so little diversity within America's upper crust.
NYC vs. London: New York is missing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to seize a competitive advantage.
AGW isn't killing Polar Bears, but the heat is killing illegals. Pathetic. Why can't Mexico create jobs?
Megan: Does Regulatory Risk Matter? Of course it does.
Small businesses are going to have lots of fun figuring out this bs
The descent of the NAACP. Typical of what happens to non-profits when their work is done. They try to stay alive.
More on kids without summer jobs
Pat Condell is not pleased by the ground zero mosque. It is, indeed, triumphalist - and intended to be.