Cracked: The 6 Most Misguided Causes Ever Made Famous by Celebrities. Only six?
Dumb and dumber. You've probably seen this already somewhere: When Did John Edwards Become President of Vietnam?
To our friend Sissy: Take a chill pill, or a Cape Cod Marguerita. You will never have a pol in MA who will agree with you all the time about everything. Ideological purism does not work in politics, most places - and especially in the Northeast. If Brown is not re-elected, it will be a loss of all of us. More right than wrong is all one can hope for.
Poll: Obama tied with Palin for 2012. Interesting. She's really something - a celeb pol like the O was - but she is not my candidate. Not yet, anyway, because I have not had the chance to discuss the Federalist Papers with her yet. Our wise but truant poster Roger de Hauteville said that candidates are just figureheads on political ships, and no doubt Sarah makes a good one of those. In a funny kind of way, I think the O knows that he is a figurehead, and not a leader. Which is all for the best.