Raccoons in Europe?
Who's coming for dinner? Moose gut pile
Are pick-up artists girly men?
What did Prohibition have to do with the Income Tax?
Never mind: Greenland isn't melting
A new glossy mag for jihadists
Obamacare: Other Than These Small Problems It's Great! Also, at Cato:
...the more we learn about what is in this new law, the more it looks like bad news for American taxpayers, businesses, health-care providers, and patients.
Inventing racists.
Now it's Michelle Obama. Race-mongers need racism the way cancer docs need cancer, but a cancer doc would not invent a cancer. The other Michelle points out
some real racism.
David Brooks vs. Paul Krugman,
Round 2?
A top computing firm in China, Bleum, was revealed to demand IQs of 140 and over as the first selection hurdle for job applicants -- but it lowered its bar to 125 for Americans to be sure of keeping good working relations with the USA (ComputerWorld, 7 vii).
This is indistinguishable from satire: How do you do
grassroots from the top down? You "imitate" grassroots.
The progress that progressives are in favor of is directly down the path Friedrich Hayek referred to as “the Road to Serfdom,” toward ever more statism, ever more regulation, ever more redistribution, socialism, and coercion, supposedly resulting in the ultimate triumph of the rule of experts and a world in which the calculative power of human reason will have abolished tragedy, poverty, inequality, all of the ills to which flesh is heir and all the consequences of human vice and folly.