Vanderleun on the death of awe
Name changes to fool people
Hollywood liberals who wanted America to be like Europe are mortified that Obama is making America like Europe
Mailer: Overrated, and a big-time ahole. Powerline
The return of the Blacklist
How can a court tell a business where to put their factory? P&W in CT
Is the O stupid? I don't think so. He sure is slicker than I am. Discussion of intelligence: The Dumbest President...EVER! I think the O is bright, but not wise.
Speaking of intelligent, this is: "Dow Repeats Great Depression Pattern: Charts"
Israelis save kid. Mom wants him to be a suicide bomber.
First things first: Financial regulation bill dictates ethnic, gender quotas
Experts: 'Ridiculous' Lawsuit Won't Nix Arizona Law on Illegals
What is unemployment?
What do they have against fish? S.F. considers banning sale of pets except fish
Free the Fish! Or do I mean Fry The Fish?
Presbyterian terrorists in Norway? Sheesh
Sarah, feminist hero (h/t, Gateway):