In preparation for a fun and patriotic 4th of July, I’ll share with you two of my secrets to a BBQ that is a real pleaser.
First, let your properly unattired significant other, friendly neighbor, or other local hottie do the BBQing. Then, everyone will have patience waiting for what comes off the grill. That, also, leaves time for more beer.

Second, not that you'll care what she serves you, use this Jackie's Oklahoma Style Barbecue Sauce.

It’s the real thing, Oklahoma-style, not adulterated nor wimpified nor commercialized, so authentic you’ll wonder why anyone left the dustbowl in the ‘30s.
A friend and co-worker’s wife made this at home from her family recipe. Everyone who tasted it drooled in delight. (No, that’s not her photo above; we couldn’t persuade her to reveal her secrets.) In the early ‘80s, they figured out how to bottle it for others. (That took about a year of trials and errors, ‘til getting it just right.) Whenever I’d be in the San Francisco Bay Area, I carried back a case or two. Now, it’s in my local San Diego area Stater Brothers supermarket, and I tout it to anyone walking near the BBQ sauce aisle.
That makes for interesting conversations. One, it beats a chick-magnet puppie. Most women look for ways to please, and/or love to cook. Two, most fans of the yellowish, sweeter Southern-style BBQ sauce are quickly converted to becoming Okies, like myself (an Oy Vey Okie). That makes for swinging soirees in the aisle, or later.

For those of you who want to yelp with slobbering joy, here’s a few testimonials.
For those of you who want to try the real deal, here’s a place where you can order a jar of the taste of hog (or whatever your meat) heaven.
For those of you who just like to drool, our BBQ mistress above welcomes you to her hot sauciness.
For those of you who just want to argue their personal favorite BBQ sauce or recipe, the Comments await your personal slobbering.
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