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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, July 1. 2010Thursday morning linksThe Rahn Curve. This could be important Puberty is getting younger and younger. Why? City Jnl: A Media Welfare State? We need a WPA for the press, Robert McChesney and John Nichols insist. Good grief. Can I run the thing? Speaking ill of the recently dead: Powerline on Robert Byrd Weekly Std: The Obama Formula - Impotence abroad, omnipotence at home. Gateway: European Jewry In Its Worst Condition Since End of World War II Barack Obama, Our First Woman President The teachers know they are in trouble with the people Hewitt: Covering for a Collapsing Presidency Boehner and Cantor back efforts to repeal entirety of healthcare reform Official: 'Not Enough Money in the World' for All Oil Spill Claims
Posted by The News Junkie
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Yall need to refine cafe' marketing jest a bit.
What that looks like is a mobile trash can, Dunkin'. Homeless fella came by a couple months back and told me he was homeless but had a part time job. "Really," me says, "where might that be?" "Down on the corner at Dunkin' Donuts," him replied, "it's kinda early, one am till five am. I'm a baker. Can i use yer shower?" How's that fer pitchin' Donuts, Dunkin'? Re: Puberty
My mother (84) noticed that years ago. She said isn't it amazing how all the girls now seem to be pretty? Straight teeth with no cavities, no rickets, scurvy, beriberi or other malnourishment caused skeletal deformities, fewer blemishes, better hair and the 'mature' so much earlier. Isn't better nutrition and medical care wonderful? My mother had some of those issues growing up in the 1920's & 1930's in poverty (she said we were poor, we just didn't know it). And as above, her assessment is that better living conditions are prompting earlier development. It will just take years of study by latent child pr0nographers disguised as Phd. researchers, funded by a few billion of your dollars, to come to the conclusion that better nutrition growing up spurs earlier development. Duhhhhhh. Heh. They even get to go to conferences with other pr0nographers and by adding a little black box over the eyes, show naked child pr0n disguised as subject research. All in the name of science you understand. Re puberty:
This also addresses another issue: early sexual activity. Teens of the 19thC were probably less interested in sex because their hormones kicked in later, closer to the age at which they were expected to marry anyway. The period of sexual readiness before marriage readiness was relatively short, or so it seems. Now we have sexual readiness years before marriage readiness. We also have pretty good control over pregnancy for those who will use it. It's hardly surprising, then, that pre-marital sex has become the overwhelming norm. Not really a drop in morality or even the sexualization of our culture. A cultural message has to resonate: sex does, low-fat diet doesn't. I'm still stunned that somebody finally invented a coffee cup the correct size.
Hey, News Junkie ... I know that it was popular in my youth [1930s thru 1942] to equate womanhood as wussie-hood, in so far as women being strong and taking care of themselves. So I understand what you are trying to say about Obama being "the first woman President." But, believe me, as a woman who has survived and protected myself and my loved ones for 82 years, I object to this mythical description. We women are both tough and brave when the chips are down. Young or old, we know how to fight and to nourish and to survive. Now that I live in the South, I have developed even more admiration for the women here, and there have been some great ones, from pioneers until today. Right now, I'm taking care of my husband, who broke his shoulder last Friday, and it's not easy, but we're making it.
Anyway, let's call Mr. Obama what he is, a spoiled, wussy whiner, always shifting the blame, always unable to man up and take responsibility. He should take lessons from Gov. Jindal of Louisiana, who is fighting daily to help his citizens survive the Gulf oil Disaster. He won't quit, and neither will his citizens. And we're getting mighty tired of Obama tripping down here in Air Foce One so that he can get his photo ops squatting on the sand picking up tarballs. "Grow a pair," Mr. President, and stop appoointing clueless academics to solve real world problems. Marianne Howdy Marianne
Repeating myself: it doesn't take "a pair" to be a leader. Ask Sarah Palin or Margaret Dame Thatcher. Or Queen Elizabeth II herself. Marianne: Owwwwwwwwch! Tell your husband to stay off the danged ladders. I can't tell you how often I hear from my parents about yet another of their friends falling off a ladder.
(Shoot my Dad did at 67 (now 89),spent a week in the hospital... and had a calcification tumor removed from his brain 10 years later. Or his friend at 85 (a year or so back) who rode his ladder to the ground (cleaning gutters), spent a month in the hospital, where some contract maintenance worker dropped a pipe on his head while he lay in his hospital bed in traction.) Geoff, my friend ... I know it "doesn't take a pair" to be a leader. You've just named three of my favorites who have already proved it. I just thought that Obama has already tried everything else -- intimidation by thuggery, complaining that "he" did it, like kids do when they do something wrong, celebrity strutting, as he always does every day in his media-seeking, putting up straw men so he can knock them down.
Problem is, folks are beginning to see through these tawdry techniques. So as a last desperate suggestion, I mentioned manning up. But evidently, that's going to be too difficult. Marianne Per HotAir, the Washington Examiner gives a sneak preview of a Darrell Issa report coming out this afternoon on the feds' bungling of the oil spill cleanup:
A San Francisco reporter, Yobie Benjamin, has been closest to this story, I think; he's the one that's pursuing the FOIA requests. He reports that the Dutch skimmers finally got their EPA waiver a couple of weeks ago -- 50 DAYS AFTER THEY ASKED FOR IT. The A-Whale, however, continues to wait. Meanwhile, the estimable Darrell Issa (R-Calf.) is coming out this afternoon with an incredible report on the bungled federal role in the cleanup. Per the Washington Examiner, here are some highlights: Phantom Assets: “The number of assets claimed [by the White House], however, does not appear to match what is actually in the field. This is corroborated by Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser, who shared a similar story with investigators. BP and Coast Guard provided Mr. Nungesser with a map of the Gulf allegedly pinpointing the exact locations of 140 skimmers cleaning up oil. Sensing that the chart may have been somewhat inaccurate, Mr. Nungesser requested a flyover of the assets for verification. After three cancelled trips, officials admitted to Mr. Nungesser that only 31 of the 140 skimmers were ever deployed. The rest were sitting at the docks. According to Mr. Nungesser, the chart appeared to have been fabricated.” Resources Used as Bargaining Chip to Mute Criticism: “In some instances, it appears that equipment is provided simply to quiet public criticism. Mr. Nungesser, who has frequently appeared on local and national television, was apparently visited by two White House officials at his office on Fathers’ Day. According to Mr. Nungesser, the purpose of their visit was to find a way to keep him from calling attention to the lack of equipment. Specifically, they asked him, “What do we have to do to keep you off tv?” He simply replied, “give me what I need.” On another occasion, Placquemines Parish officials requested 20 skimmers at a town hall meeting held by the Coast Guard. According to Mr. Nungesser, “They gave us two skimmers to shut us up.” These accounts raise serious questions about whether the Administration is more concerned with fighting a public relations battle than combating the oil spill.” http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/ later-today-damning-report-on-oil-spill-response-97579464.html#ixzz0sSUSpGcB Duh, did yall think so, sweetheart.
Or did some body put yall up? |