I recently met for consultation with a civil engineer who grew up in Romania under Ceausescu, in Budapest.
He walked in and said "I need somebody to talk to, but I have a few questions first." Typical engineer, to need data first.
"Shoot," I said.
"OK, first, are you Christian?"
"What's that got to do with it?" said I.
"You do not seem to understand me. I need to know, are you a Christian?"
"Yes," I replied.
"You have a Romanian Easter egg on your shelf."
"You are observant," I said. "Yes I do, a lovely gift."
"Are you a communist?"
"You seem to want to know more about me than I usually talk about, but no. Quite the opposite."
"OK then. I will feel at home here, and I will tell you my story."
The guy grew up under the Commies, and still has to vet anybody he confides in. My job is an amazing privilege. Not paranoid, just trained by the commies to distrust.