In the wake of Obamacare, the MSM has been busy this week reinventing a partisan myth - the myth that Conservatives and "regular Americans" are violent, white, chronically angry, racist, homophobic, greedy, selfish, mouth-breathing troglodytes.
Shrinks know all about myth creation, because most peoples' life stories are personal myths. These political myths, however, are deliberately constructed, mass ad hominen smears on millions - including me. I do not mind non-violent political anger at all, but I do mind smears.
Just a few posts on the recent propaganda I noticed today:
- The Washington Post Reminds You, All Criticism of the President Is Racist
- Powerline: More Thoughts On Liberal Political Violence
- "Dozens" show up at Nevada Tea Party
- Jammie: Frank Rich Loses Me at Kristallnacht
The Other McCain! Tea Party With Sarah Palin: Scenes from the Showdown in Searchlight, Nev. Bumped and Updated! Tea Party Express III: Fear and Loathing — and Ann Coulter! — in Las Vegas No body wants to admit it, but the American good nature has been abused. Tere is, in fact, a low-intensity ideological conflict underway. Michael Graham needs to awaken to the possibility that there is high-level funding, coordination, and an agenda at work, and not just simple ignorance on the part of the media gatekeepers. (Video) Smitty All Criticism of this President is Racist Alisnkyian: Rub the Sores...
Tracked: Mar 28, 16:48